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Root Morphology and Anchorage of Six Native Tree Species from a Tropical Montane Forest and an Elfin Forest in Ecuador


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Root architecture of tree species was investigated at two different altitudes in tropical forests in Ecuador. Increasing altitude was accompanied by higher wind speeds and more shallow soils, while slope angles of both sites were comparable (20–50).Three tree species typical for the montane forest at 1900m (Graffenrieda emarginata (Ruiz & Pav.) Triana (Melastomataceae), Clethra revoluta (Ruiz & Pav.) Spreng. (Clethraceae), Vismia tomentosa Ruiz & Pav. (Clusiaceae)) and for the elfin forest at 3000m(Weinmannia loxensis Harling (Cunoniaceae), Clusia spec. (Clusiacaea) Styrax foveolaria Perkins (Styraceae)) were examined. At 1900m, 92% of the trees grew upright, in comparison to 52% at 3000m. At 3000m, 48% of the trees were inclined, lying or even partly uprooted. At this altitude, all trees with tap roots or with shoots connected by coarse rhizomes, 83% of the trees with stilt roots, and 50% of the trees in which stems or roots were supported by other trees grew upright, suggesting that these characteristics were relevant for tree stability. Root system morphology differed markedly between altitudes. In contrast to 1900m, where 20% of structural roots originated in the deeper mineral soil, root origin at 3000m was restricted to the forest floor.The mean ratio of root cross sectional area to tree height decreased significantly from 6.1 10~3 m~2 m~1 at 1900m to 3.2 10m~2 m~1 at 3000m. The extent of root asymmetry increased significantly from 0.29 at 1900m to 0.62 at 3000m. This was accompanied bya significantly lower number of dominant roots at 3000m (2.3 compared to 3.8 at 1900m). In conclusion, native tree species growing in tropical montane and elfin forests show a variety of root traits that improve tree stability. Root system asymmetry isless important for tree stability where anchorage is provided by a deep and solid root–soil plate. When deep rooting is impeded, root traits improving the horizontal extension of the root–soil plate are more pronounced or occur more frequently. Furthermore, mutual mechanical support of roots and stems of neighboring trees seems to be an appropriate mechanism to provide anchorage in soils with low bulk density and in environments with high wind speeds.
机译:在厄瓜多尔的热带森林中,在两个不同的海拔高度调查了树种的根系结构。海拔的增加伴随着更高的风速和更浅的土壤,而两个站点的倾斜角度都相当(20–50)。山地森林在1900m处典型的三种树种(Graffenrieda emarginata(Ruiz& Pav。) ),Clethra revoluta(Ruiz& Pav。)Spreng。(Clethraceae),Vismia tomentosa Ruiz& Pav。(Clusiaceae)和3000m的小精灵森林(Weinmannia loxensis Harling(Cunoniaceae),Clusia spec。进行了黄芪柏金(Styraceae)检查。在1900m处,有92%的树木直立生长,而在3000m处则为52%。在3000m处,48%的树木倾斜,躺下甚至部分连根拔起。在此高度下,所有带有自生根或带有由粗根茎连接的枝条的树木,83%的带有高跷根的树木以及50%的由其他树木支撑的茎或根的树木都是直立的,这表明这些特征是与树的稳定性有关。根系形态在海拔之间显着不同。与1900m相比,20%的结构根起源于较深的矿质土壤,3000m处的根起源仅限于森林地层。根的横截面积与树高的平均比值从6.1 10〜3 m〜2显着降低1900m处的m〜1到3000m处的3.2 10m〜2 m〜1。根部不对称程度从1900m的0.29显着增加到3000m的0.62。与此相伴的是,在3000m处的显性根的数量显着减少(从1900m处的3.8降低到2.3)。总之,生长在热带山地和小精灵森林中的本地树种显示出多种可提高树木稳定性的根系特征。根系非对称性对于树木的稳固性而言并不重要,因为通过深而坚固的根土板提供锚固。当阻止深生根时,改善根-土板水平延伸的根性状会更明显或发生得更频繁。此外,相邻树木的根和茎的相互机械支撑似乎是在低堆积密度的土壤和高风速环境中提供锚固的合适机制。



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