首页> 外文期刊>Plant and Soil >Seasonal changes of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi as affected by tillage practices and fertilization: hyphal density and mycorrhizal root colonization.

Seasonal changes of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi as affected by tillage practices and fertilization: hyphal density and mycorrhizal root colonization.


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A study was made in 1992-93 of the effect of tillage practices on native arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) in 11-year-old tillage/fertilizer experiments on a sandy loam and a clay soil at Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, Canada, with maize cv. Funk 4120 grown in monoculture. The 3 tillage practices were conventional tillage (CT; autumn ploughing plus spring discing), reduced tillage (RT; spring discing) and no-tillage (NT). Maize was given either inorganic (N and K) or organic (liquid cattle manure)fertilizers. Densities of total and metabolically active soil hyphae, and mycorrhizal root colonization were significantly lower in CT soil than in RT or NT soil. Lowest soil hyphal densities were observed in early spring. The levels of intra- and extraradical fungal colonization increased from spring to silking and decreased thereafter. Spring discing had only a small and transient negative effect on hyphal abundance in soil. Fertilizers did not influence mycorrhizal colonization of maize or abundanceof soil hyphae in the sandy loam soil, but in the clay soil metabolically active hyphae were more abundant with manure application than with mineral fertilization. In 1992 grain yield did not differ between tillage systems, but in 1993 yield was highestin NT and lowest in CT.
机译:1992-93年,在魁北克Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue的一个沙质壤土和黏土上的11年耕作/肥料实验中,研究了耕作方式对天然丛枝菌根真菌(AMF)的影响。 ,加拿大,玉米简历。放养单株的放克4120。 3种耕作方式为常规耕作(CT;秋季耕作加上春耕),减耕(RT;春耕)和免耕(NT)。玉米施用了无机(氮和钾)或有机(液态牛粪)肥料。 CT土壤的总和代谢活性菌丝的密度以及菌根根定殖均显着低于RT或NT土壤。在早春观察到最低的土壤菌丝密度。从春季到丝化期间,自由基内和自由基外的真菌定植水平增加,此后降低。春季盘对土壤中的菌丝丰度只有很小的短暂的负面影响。在沙壤土中,肥料不影响玉米的菌根定植或土壤菌丝的丰富,但在粘土土壤中,施用肥料的代谢活性菌丝比矿物肥料的代谢活性菌丝丰富。在1992年,耕作制度之间的谷物产量没有差异,但是在1993年,在北领地的产量最高,而在北领地的最低。



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