首页> 外文期刊>Plant and Soil >Water deficit and plant competition effects on growth and water-useefficiency of white clover (Trifolium repens, L.) and ryegrass (Loliumperenne, L.)

Water deficit and plant competition effects on growth and water-useefficiency of white clover (Trifolium repens, L.) and ryegrass (Loliumperenne, L.)

机译:水分亏缺和植物竞争对白三叶草(Trifolium repens,L。)和黑麦草(Loliumperenne,L。)的生长和水分利用效率的影响

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The combined effects of soil water deficit and above and below ground interspecific plant competition on the growth, water-use efficiency (WUE), and measured carbon isotopic composition (delta C-13) values of white clover and ryegrass were studied. White clover and ryegrass were grown in specially designed crates 1) individually; 2) in shoot competition; or 3) in shoot + root competition and either well-watered or at a moderate or severe soil water deficit. The effects of shoot + root competition on shoot dry matter growth were substantial and benefited both white clover and ryegrass when well-watered or at a moderate soil water deficit, while severely reducing white clover shoot dry matter growth at severe soil water deficit. Plant competition did not affect the WUE of white clover or ryegrass. As soil water deficit increased, the WUE of white clover did not change whereas the WUE of ryegrass increased and was greater than that of white clover. This was attributed to the lower leaf water conductance of ryegrass which conserved water and maintained growth longer compared to white clover. A stronger correlation existed between soil water deficit and measured delta C-13 values for ryegrass at each plant competition level (P <0.001) than existed for white clover (individual: P <0.01; shoot + root: P <0.001; shoot: P <0.10). Unlike white clover, the relationship between measured delta C-13 values and shoot dry matter growth indicated that C assimilation for ryegrass was dependent on type of plant competition. That WUE remained constant for white clover while measured delta C-13 values increased as soil water deficit increased, suggests that the role below ground respiration rate played in determining delta C-13 values increased. The WUE of white clover appears to be independent of the nature of the competition between plants and the soil water deficit level at which it is grown, whereas for ryegrass, the addition of root competition to shoot competition should lead to increases in its WUE.
机译:研究了土壤水分亏缺以及地上和地下种间植物竞争对白三叶草和黑麦草的生长,水分利用效率(WUE)和测得的碳同位素组成(δC-13)值的综合影响。白三叶草和黑麦草分别种植在专门设计的板条箱中1); 2)在射击比赛中;或3)枝条和根系竞争,并且浇水充足或处于中等或严重的土壤缺水状态。枝条+根系竞争对枝条干物质生长的影响是显着的,当灌溉水量充足或土壤水分适度时,白三叶草和黑麦草均受益,而在土壤水分严重不足时,白三叶草茎秆干物质的生长会大大减少。植物竞争并未影响白三叶草或黑麦草的水分利用效率。随着土壤水分亏缺的增加,白三叶草的水分利用效率没有变化,而黑麦草的水分利用效率增加,并且高于白三叶草。这归因于黑麦草的较低的叶水电导率,与白三叶草相比,它能节约水分并保持生长更长的时间。在每个植物竞争水平下,土壤水分亏缺与黑麦草的δC-13实测值之间的相关性均强于白三叶草(个体:P <0.01;枝+根:P <0.001;枝:P <0.10)。与白三叶草不同,ΔC-13实测值与茎干物质生长之间的关系表明,黑麦草的C同化度取决于植物竞争的类型。白三叶草的WUE保持恒定,而随着土壤水分亏缺的增加,测得的C-13三角洲值增加,表明地下呼吸速率在确定C-13三角洲中的作用增加。白三叶草的WUE似乎与植物之间竞争的性质以及其生长所处的土壤缺水程度无关,而对于黑麦草,将根系竞争添加到枝条竞争中应导致其WUE的增加。



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