首页> 外文期刊>Plant and Soil >Litter dynamics and fine root production in Schizolobium parahyba var. amazonicum plantations and regrowth forest in Eastern Amazon.

Litter dynamics and fine root production in Schizolobium parahyba var. amazonicum plantations and regrowth forest in Eastern Amazon.

机译:枯草裂殖酵母的凋落物动力学和优良的根系生成。东亚马逊地区的 amazonicum 人工林和再生林。

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Forest plantations and agroforestry systems with Schizolobium parahyba var. amazonicum have greatly expanded in the Brazilian Amazon, generally as an alternative for reforesting degraded areas. To our knowledge there are no reports of above- and below-ground production in these forest systems. We quantified litter and fine root production in 6-yr old Schizolobium-based plantation forests (monospecific: MON, mixture: MIX, and agroforestry system: AFS) and in ~25-yr old regrowth forest (REG) over 8-12 months. We used litter traps and ingrowth cores to quantify litter and fine root production, respectively. Annual litter production was significantly lower in Schizolobium-based plantations (mean+or-standard error, MON=5.92+or-0.15, MIX=6.08+or-0.13, AFS=6.63+or-0.13 Mg ha-1 year-1) than in regrowth forest (8.64+or-0.08 Mg ha-1 year-1). Schizolobium-based plantations showed significantly higher litter stock (MON=7.7+or-1.0, MIX=7.4+or-0.1 Mg ha-1) than REG (5.9+or-1.3 Mg ha-1). Total fine root production over an 8-month period was significantly higher in Schizolobium-based plantations (MON=3.8+or-0.2, MIX=3.4+or-0.2, AFS=2.7+or-0.1 Mg ha-1) than in REG (1.1+or-0.03 Mg ha-1). Six-yr old Schizolobium-based plantations and ~25-yr old regrowth forests showed comparable rates of litter+fine root production, suggesting that young forest plantations may be an interesting alternative to restore degraded areas due to early reestablishment of organic matter cycling under the studied conditions.
机译:Schizolobium parahyba var的森林人工林和农林业系统。 amazonicum 在巴西亚马逊地区得到了很大的发展,通常作为对退化地区进行重新造林的替代方案。据我们所知,没有关于这些森林系统中地下和地下生产的报道。我们对基于6年生的裂殖藻的人工林(单种:MON,混合物:MIX和农林业系统:AFS)和约25岁的再生林(REG)中的凋落物和优良根系产量进行了量化。 )超过8-12个月。我们分别使用凋落物诱捕器和向内生长的核心来量化凋落物和细根的产量。基于裂殖藻的人工林的年凋落物产量显着降低(平均误差或标准误差,MON = 5.92 +或-0.15,MIX = 6.08 +或-0.13,AFS = 6.63 +或-0.13 Mg ha -1 year -1 )比再生林中的8.64+或-0.08 Mg ha -1 year -1 )。 基于裂殖壶菌的人工林的凋落物储量(MON = 7.7 +或-1.0,MIX = 7.4 +或-0.1 Mg ha -1 )明显高于REG(5.9+或-1.3 Mg ha -1 )。在裂殖壶菌人工林中,八个月内的细根总产量显着提高(MON = 3.8 +或-0.2,MIX = 3.4 +或-0.2,AFS = 2.7 +或-0.1 Mg ha -1 )比REG(1.1+或-0.03 Mg ha -1 )高。六年生的基于裂殖藻的人工林和约25年的再生林显示出凋落物+细根的产生率相当,这表明,早期的人工林可能是恢复退化地区的有趣替代方法在研究条件下重建有机物循环。



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