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Monte Carlo study of structural ordering in charged colloids using a long-range attractive interaction


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Monte Carlo simulations have been carried out for aqueous charged colloidal suspensions interacting via an effective pair potential U-s(r), which has the long-range attractive term in addition to the usual screened Coulomb repulsion. Simulations are performed over four orders of magnitude of particle volume fractions (phi) under salt free as well as added salt conditions. The computed pair correlation functions g(r) at high values of phi show a face centered cubic (fcc) crystalline order, which is found to transform to a body centered cubic (bcc) crystalline order upon lowering of phi,. The crystalline order is found to melt into a liquidlike order upon the addition of salt. A purely repulsive potential based on Derjaguin-Landau-Vervey-Overbeek theory was earlier claimed to be responsible for the formation of bcc and fee phases and the associated order-disorder transitions. It is clearly shown here that U-s(r) also explains equally well such phenomena and the results are shown to be in close agreement with experimental observations. Simulations in the dilute regime show a vapor-liquid transition upon variation of phi and the coexistence of ordered and disordered regions with voids upon variation of the charge on the particles. These results explain the reported experimental observations, which suggested the existence of a long-range attraction in the interparticle interaction. For very low volume fractions calculated pair correlation functions show only a single peak and are found to be independent of phi. The reported results on the direct measurement of the pair potential are discussed in the light of the present results. [References: 67]
机译:已对通过有效对电位U-s(r)相互作用的含水带电胶体悬浮液进行了蒙特卡罗模拟,除了通常的筛选库仑斥力外,U-s(r)还具有长期吸引力。在无盐和添加盐的条件下,对四个数量级的颗粒体积分数(phi)进行了模拟。在phi的高值下计算的对相关函数g(r)显示出以面心为中心的立方(fcc)晶序,发现它在降低phi1时转换为以体心为中心的立方(bcc)晶序。发现加入盐后结晶顺序熔化成液体状顺序。早先有人声称,基于德雅金(Derjaguin-Landau-Vervey-Overbeek)理论的纯排斥力是造成密件抄送和费用阶段以及相关的有序无序过渡的原因。在此清楚地表明,U-s(r)同样能很好地解释这种现象,并且结果表明与实验观察结果非常吻合。稀释状态下的模拟显示,当phi发生变化时,气液过渡;当粒子上的电荷发生变化时,有序区域和无序区域与空隙并存。这些结果解释了所报道的实验观察结果,表明在粒子间相互作用中存在长距离吸引。对于极低的体积分数,计算出的对相关函数仅显示一个峰,并且与phi无关。根据目前的结果讨论了有关直接测量线对电位的报道结果。 [参考:67]



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