
Does stochastic resonance occur in periodic potentials?


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The possibility of observing stochastic resonance (SR) in a periodic potential without a static bias, driven by noise and an oscillating field, is investigated in both limits of damping. It is shown from the matrix continued fraction method that, although an underdamped Brownian particle moving in a periodic potential displays a dynamical resonance facilitated by noise, there is no conventional SR irrespective of damping. The reason such SR cannot be observed in an overdamped regime is demonstrated by a hopping model. Due to the unbound motion in the periodic potential, transition probability decays algebraically and there is no persistent synchronized hopping. However, the noise-induced enhancement of the diffusion constant related to escape rate enhancement exhibits an SR-like behavior. A comparison with the dynamics on a circle as a different example of an unbound system is given. [References: 20]
机译:在阻尼的两个极限中,研究了在没有静电偏压的情况下在周期性电势中观察随机共振(SR)的可能性。从矩阵连续分数法可以看出,尽管欠阻尼的布朗粒子在周期性电势中运动,显示出由噪声促进的动态共振,但没有常规的SR,而与阻尼无关。跳跃模型证明了在超阻尼状态下无法观察到这种SR的原因。由于周期电势中的无限制运动,跃迁概率代数衰减,并且没有持久的同步跳变。但是,与逸出速率增强相关的扩散常数的噪声诱导增强表现出类似于SR的行为。作为一个未绑定系统的不同示例,给出了与圆动力学的比较。 [参考:20]



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