首页> 外文期刊>Physical review, E. Statistical physics, plasmas, fluids, and related interdisciplinary topics >Critical behavior of the chain-generating function of self-avoiding walks on the Sierpinski gasket family: The Euclidean limit

Critical behavior of the chain-generating function of self-avoiding walks on the Sierpinski gasket family: The Euclidean limit


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We study self-avoiding walks (SAW's) on the generalized Sierpinski gasket family of fractals. Each fractal can be labeled by an integer b (2 less than or equal to b less than or equal to infinity), so that the fractal and spectral dimensions tend to the Euclidean value 2 when b-->infinity. By using an exact enumeration technique to obtain the series expansion for the chain-generating function of SAW's on these lattices, we calculate the associated critical exponent gamma(b) for 2 less than or equal to b less than or equal to 100. The large-b behavior of gamma(b) is the first numerical result consistent with the asymptotic convergence toward the Euclidean value gamma(E). We also give an analytic argument supporting the assumption that lim(b-->infinity) gamma(b)-->gamma(E). [References: 4]
机译:我们研究广义Sierpinski密封垫系列分形上的自动回避步道(SAW)。每个分形都可以用整数b(小于或等于b小于或等于无穷大2)标记,以便当b→无穷大时,分形和光谱维数趋于欧几里得值2。通过使用精确的枚举技术来获得SAW在这些晶格上的链生成函数的级数展开式,我们计算了小于或等于b小于或等于100的2的关联临界指数gamma(b)。 γ(b)的-b行为是与朝向欧几里得值γ(E)的渐近收敛一致的第一个数值结果。我们还给出一个支持lim(b-> infinity)gamma(b)-> gamma(E)的假设的分析论点。 [参考:4]



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