首页> 外文期刊>Plant and cell physiology >Involvement of Arabidopsis Clock-Associated Pseudo-Response Regulators in Diurnal Oscillations of Gene Expression in the Presence of Environmental Time Cues

Involvement of Arabidopsis Clock-Associated Pseudo-Response Regulators in Diurnal Oscillations of Gene Expression in the Presence of Environmental Time Cues


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In plants, the circadian clock is implicated in the biological system that generates diurnal oscillations in cellular and physiological activities. The circadian clock must be synchronized (or entrained) to local time by environmental time cues, such as light/dark and/or hot/cold cycles. In Arabidopsis thaliana, although a number of clock-associated components have been uncovered over the last decade, the clock-associated elements that are involved in entrainment to environmental time cues are largely unknown. In this regard, we have been characterizing one core group of clock components that together control the pace of the central oscillator, including PSEUDO-RESPONSE REGULATOR9 (PRR9), PRR7, PRR5 and TIMING OF CAB2 EXPRESSION 1 (TOC1; or PRR1). The primary aim of this study is to clarify whether these PRR members are implicated in entrainment of the circadian clock to environmental time cues. For this purpose, the diurnal oscillation profiles of clock-controlled genes in the presence of environmental time cues were determined in a set of prr mutants, including a prr9 prr7 prr5 toc1 quadruple mutant. As an extreme phenotype, the prr9-10 prr7-11 prr5-11 toc1-2 quadruple mutant showed an arrhythmia phenotype even under light/dark and hot/cold cycles. In contrast, a cca1-1 lhy-11 toc1-2 triple mutant maintained robust oscillations in the presence of these environmental time cues, although their phases were markedly affected. Based on these results, we propose that the clock components PRR9, PRR7 and PRR5 together might represent elements necessary for the circadian clock to entrain properly to local time in response to light/dark and hot/cold cycles in natural habitats.
机译:在植物中,生物钟涉及生物系统,该生物系统在细胞和生理活动中产生昼夜振荡。昼夜节律时钟必须通过环境时间提示(例如亮/暗和/或热/冷周期)与本地时间同步(或带动)。在拟南芥中,尽管在过去的十年中发现了许多与时钟相关的成分,但在很大程度上却不了解与环境时间线索有关的与时钟相关的元素。在这方面,我们一直在描述一组时钟组件的核心,它们一起控制中央振荡器的速度,包括PSEUDO-RESPONSE REGULATOR9(PRR9),PRR7,PRR5和CAB2 EXPRESSION 1的时序(TOC1;或PRR1)。这项研究的主要目的是阐明这些PRR成员是否与昼夜节律时钟对环境时间线索的夹带有关。为此,在一组prr突变体(包括prr9 prr7 prr5 toc1四重突变体)中确定了存在环境时间提示时时钟控制基因的昼夜振荡分布。作为极端表型,即使在明/暗和热/冷循环下,prr9-10 prr7-11 prr5-11 toc1-2四重突变体也显示出心律失常表型。相反,尽管存在这些环境时间提示,但cca1-1 lhy-11 toc1-2三重突变体在出现这些环境时间提示时仍保持稳健的振荡。根据这些结果,我们建议时钟分量PRR9,PRR7和PRR5一起可能代表生物钟对自然栖息地中的亮/暗和热/冷循环做出响应以适当地携带当地时间所需的元素。



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