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Sinbase: An Integrated Database to Study Genomics, Genetics and Comparative Genomics in Sesamum indicum


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Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) is an ancient and important oilseed crop grown widely in tropical and subtropical areas. It belongs to the gigantic order Lamiales, which includes many well-known or economically important species, such as olive (Olea europaea), leonurus (Leonurus japonicus) and lavender (Lavandula spica), many of which have important pharmacological properties. Despite their importance, genetic and genomic analyses on these species have been insufficient due to a lack of reference genome information. The now available S. indicum genome will provide an unprecedented opportunity for studying both S. indicum genetic traits and comparative genomics. To deliver S. indicum genomic information to the worldwide research community, we designed Sinbase, a web-based database with comprehensive sesame genomic, genetic and comparative genomic information. Sinbase includes sequences of assembled sesame pseudomolecular chromosomes, protein-coding genes (27,148), transposable elements (372,167) and non-coding RNAs (1,748). In particular, Sinbase provides unique and valuable information on colinear regions with various plant genomes, including Arabidopsis thaliana, Glycine max, Vitis vinifera and Solanum lycopersicum. Sinbase also provides a useful search function and data mining tools, including a keyword search and local BLAST service. Sinbase will be updated regularly with new features, improvements to genome annotation and new genomic sequences, and is freely accessible at http://ocri-genomics.org/Sinbase/.
机译:芝麻(Sesamum indicum L.)是一种古老而重要的油料作物,广泛种植于热带和亚热带地区。它属于巨大的拉米亚尔斯(Lamiales),其中包括许多著名的或经济上重要的物种,例如橄榄(Olea europaea),益母草(Leonurus japonicus)和熏衣草(Lavandula spica),其中许多具有重要的药理特性。尽管它们很重要,但是由于缺乏参考基因组信息,对这些物种的遗传和基因组分析还是不够的。现在可用的印度血吸虫基因组将为研究印度血吸虫的遗传特性和比较基因组学提供前所未有的机会。为了向世界各地的研究机构提供印度血吸虫的基因组信息,我们设计了Sinbase,这是一个基于Web的数据库,具有全面的芝麻基因组,遗传和比较基因组信息。 Sinbase包括组装的芝麻假分子染色体,蛋白质编码基因(27,148),转座因子(372,167)和非编码RNA(1,748)的序列。特别是,Sinbase可在与各种植物基因组共线的区域上提供独特而有价值的信息,包括拟南芥,最大大豆,酿酒葡萄和番茄。 Sinbase还提供了有用的搜索功能和数据挖掘工具,包括关键字搜索和本地BLAST服务。 Sinbase将定期进行更新,以提供新功能,改进的基因组注释和新的基因组序列,并可从http://ocri-genomics.org/Sinbase/免费获得。



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