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Further characterization of the scab resistance of 'Frontana' spring wheat and the relationships between resistance mechanisms

机译:“ Frontana”春小麦抗赤霉病的进一步鉴定及其抗性机制之间的关系

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'Frontana' spring wheat exhibits resistance to Fusarium head blight (FHB), but it is not clear which genes confer resistance to initial infection or spread. This study assessed the FHB resistance of reciprocal backcross monosomic (RBCM) lines previously developed using Frontana and 'Chris'. Six RBCM lines differing for Frontana and Chris disomic chromosomes 3A, 6A and 4D were evaluated to determine which chromosome prevents disease establishment or spread after either spray or single floret inoculation (SFI). Data were collected for FHB incidence, severity and spread. The RBCM line with Frontana chromosome 3A expressed the lowest FHB severity and incidence after spray inoculation and the lowest disease spread after SFI. This confirms a major role of Frontana chromosome 3A in resistance to FHB establishment and spread. Frontana chromosomes 6A and 4D also influence resistance but have less of an impact compared with 3A. Significant correlations between disease incidence and severity and between severity and visually Fusarium damaged kernels (VFDK) suggest that type I and type II resistant mechanisms do not function independently in Frontana. Therefore, the metrics used to quantify resistance are interrelated.
机译:“ Frontana”春小麦表现出对枯萎病的抗性,但尚不清楚哪些基因赋予对初始感染或传播的抗性。这项研究评估了以前使用Frontana和'Chris'开发的双向回交单体型(RBCM)品系的FHB抗性。对Frontana和Chris二体染色体3A,6A和4D不同的6条RBCM谱系进行了评估,以确定哪条染色体可以预防疾病的形成或在喷洒或单小花接种(SFI)后传播。收集有关FHB发生率,严重程度和传播的数据。带有Frontana染色体3A的RBCM系在喷雾接种后FHB的严重程度和发生率最低,在SFI之后的疾病传播最低。这证实了Frontana 3A号染色体在抵抗FHB建立和传播中的主要作用。 Frontana染色体6A和4D也影响抗性,但与3A染色体相比影响较小。疾病发生率与严重程度之间以及严重程度与视觉上镰刀菌损害的内核(VFDK)之间的显着相关性表明,I型和II型耐药机制在Frontana中并非独立起作用。因此,用于量化电阻的度量是相互关联的。



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