首页> 外文期刊>Physics of life reviews >The watchmaker is blind but he is not stupid. Comment on 'How life changes itself: The read-write (RW) genome' by James Shapiro.

The watchmaker is blind but he is not stupid. Comment on 'How life changes itself: The read-write (RW) genome' by James Shapiro.

机译:制表师是盲人,但他并不愚蠢。詹姆斯·夏皮罗(James Shapiro)评论“生命如何改变自身:读写(RW)基因组”。

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In his article, Shapiro presents a detailed argument that applies core concepts from artificial intelligence to long-term biological genome restructuring [1]. In fact, his insights are as interesting for computer scientists, especially those working in evolutionary computation, as they are for biologists. A convincing case is made that genomes encode methods for active, structured and controlled natural genetic engineering (NGE) in a manner that is sensitive and reactive to specific environmental challenges. After discussing gene regulation within the lifetime of a cell, and epigenetic modifications that occur during development, Shapiro goes on to describe other sensitive and controlled ‘writing’ mechanisms that operate over evolutionary timescales to generate genetic variation.



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