首页> 外文期刊>Physics of life reviews >Towards a modern view of the dynamic genome. Comment on 'How life changes itself: The Read-Write (RW) genome' by James Shapiro.

Towards a modern view of the dynamic genome. Comment on 'How life changes itself: The Read-Write (RW) genome' by James Shapiro.

机译:朝着动态基因组的现代观点发展。詹姆斯·夏皮罗(James Shapiro)评论“生命如何改变自身:读写(RW)基因组”。

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Jim Shapiro forcefully points out in his article [1] that we have come a long way in our understanding of the dynamics of genomics since the DNA structure was announced and the enunciation of The Central Dogma of molecular biology was proclaimed. This highly condensed article is deeply elaborated in Shapiro’s excellent book “Evolution: A view from the 21st century” [2] which fittingly can be purchased as a 21st Century Kindle version, and which I highly recommend reading on your Kindle or tablet. Many of the important points he raises are clarified in his book.
机译:吉姆·夏皮罗(Jim Shapiro)在他的文章[1]中有力地指出,自从DNA结构被宣布并宣布了分子生物学的中心教条以来,我们对基因组动力学的理解已经走了很长一段路。夏皮罗(Shapiro)的绝妙著作《进化:21世纪的景象》 [2]对此文章进行了高度精炼,可以作为21世纪Kindle版本购买,我强烈建议您在Kindle或平板电脑上阅读。他提出的许多重要要点在他的书中都得到了澄清。



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