首页> 外文期刊>Physiologia plantarum >An oxidative burst of superoxide in embryonic axes of recalcitrant sweet chestnut seeds as induced by excision and desiccation

An oxidative burst of superoxide in embryonic axes of recalcitrant sweet chestnut seeds as induced by excision and desiccation


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Recalcitrant seeds are intolerant of desiccation and cannot be stored in conventional seed banks. Cryopreservation allows storage of the germplasm of some recalcitrant seeded species, but application to a wide range of plant diversity is still limited. The present work aimed at understanding the stresses that accompany the first steps in cryopreservation protocols, wounding and desiccation, both of which are likely to lead to the formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Extracellular ROS production was studied in isolated embryonic axes of sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa). Axis excision was accompanied by a burst of superoxide (O-2(.-)), demonstrated by a colorimetric assay using epinephrine, electron spin resonance and staining with nitroblue tetrazolium. Superoxide was immediately produced on the cut surface after isolation of the axis from the seed, with an initial 'burst' in the first 5 min. Isolated axes subjected to variable levels of desiccation stress showed a decrease in viability and vigour and increased electrolyte leakage, indicative of impaired membrane integrity. The pattern of O-2(.-) production showed a typical Gaussian pattern in response to increasing desiccation stress. The results indicate a complex interaction between excision and subsequent drying and are discussed with a view of manipulating ROS production for optimisation of cryopreservation protocols.
机译:顽强的种子不能干燥,不能储存在常规种子库中。冷冻保存可以保存一些顽固的种子物种的种质,但是在广泛的植物多样性中应用仍然受到限制。本工作旨在了解低温保存规程的第一步,创伤和干燥所伴随的压力,这两种压力都可能导致活性氧(ROS)的形成。在甜栗(Castanea sativa)的离体胚轴中研究了细胞外ROS的产生。通过使用肾上腺素的比色测定,电子自旋共振和硝基蓝四唑鎓染色证明超轴爆裂(O-2(.-))伴随着轴切除。从种子中分离出轴后,立即在切割表面上产生了超氧化物,在最初的5分钟内开始出现“爆裂”。经受不同程度的干燥应力的孤立轴显示出活力和活力降低,以及电解质泄漏增加,表明膜完整性受损。 O-2(.-)的生产模式显示出典型的高斯模式,以应对不断增加的干燥应力。结果表明,切除和随后的干燥之间存在复杂的相互作用,并讨论了为优化冷冻保存方案而操纵ROS产生的观点。



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