首页> 外文期刊>Physiologia plantarum >Relative contribution of AtHAK5 and AtAKT1 to K uptake in the high-affinity range of concentrations

Relative contribution of AtHAK5 and AtAKT1 to K uptake in the high-affinity range of concentrations


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The relative contribution of the high-affinity K transporter AtHAK5 and the inward rectifier K channel AtAKT1 to K uptake in the high-affinity range of concentrations was studied in Arabidopsis thaliana ecotype Columbia (Col-0). The results obtained with wild-type lines, with T-DNA insertion in both genes and specific uptake inhibitors, show that AtHAK5 and AtAKT1 mediate the [graphic removed] -sensitive and the Bapo-sensitive components of uptake, respectively, and that they are the two major contributors to uptake in the high-affinity range of Rb concentrations. Using Rb as a K analogue, it was shown that AtHAK5 mediates absorption at lower Rb concentrations than AtAKT1 and depletes external Rb to values around 1 oM. Factors such as the presence of K or [graphic removed] during plant growth determine the relative contribution of each system. The presence of [graphic removed] in the growth solution inhibits the induction of AtHAK5 by K starvation. In K-starved plants grown without [graphic removed] , both systems are operative, but when [graphic removed] is present in the growth solution, AtAKT1 is probably the only system mediating Rb absorption, and the capacity of the roots to deplete Rb is reduced.
机译:在拟南芥生态型Columbia(Col-0)中研究了高亲和力K转运蛋白AtHAK5和内向整流子K通道AtAKT1对钾的吸收在高亲和力范围内的相对贡献。用野生型品系,在基因和特定摄取抑制剂中都插入T-DNA的结果表明,AtHAK5和AtAKT1分别介导了[图解去除]敏感和Bapo敏感成分的摄取,它们是在高亲和力的Rb浓度范围内摄取的两个主要贡献者。使用Rb作为K类似物,表明AtHAK5在比AtAKT1更低的Rb浓度下介导吸收,并使外部Rb消耗至大约1 oM。诸如K的存在或植物生长过程中[去除的图形]等因素决定了每个系统的相对贡献。生长溶液中[去除的图形]的存在抑制了K饥饿对AtHAK5的诱导。在没有[去除图形]的情况下生长的缺钾植物中,两个系统都可以运行,但是当生长溶液中存在[去除图形]时,AtAKT1可能是唯一介导Rb吸收的系统,而根系消耗Rb的能力是减少。



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