首页> 外文期刊>Pharmacoepidemiology and drug safety >Agreement and validity of pharmacy data versus self-report for use of osteoporosis medications among chronic glucocorticoid users.

Agreement and validity of pharmacy data versus self-report for use of osteoporosis medications among chronic glucocorticoid users.


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PURPOSE: Pharmacy and linked claims databases are commonly used to determine medication receipt as a measure of quality of care. However, these data sources have not been previously compared with self-reported data for receipt of medications used for glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis (GIOP). METHODS: Using databases from a national managed care organization (MCO), we identified 6282 chronic glucocorticoid users (60+ days in 18 months). We compared self-reported current use of alendronate, risedronate, calcitonin, and raloxifene (reference standard) to different intervals of preceding pharmacy data to determine agreement, sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of the pharmacy data. RESULTS: Survey respondents (n = 2363) were mean +/- SD age 53 +/- 14 years old, 70% women, and 78% Caucasian. Agreement between self-reported and pharmacy data ranged from Kappa = 0.64 (95%CI 0.53-0.75) (calcitonin) to 0.80 (0.76-0.84) (alendronate). The positive predictive value of a filled prescription in the pharmacy database in the prior 6 months exceeded 90% compared to the reference standard of self-reported current bisphosphonate use. However, the 6-month interval of pharmacy data failed to capture >25% of self-reported current bisphosphonate users. The optimal interval of pharmacy data to distinguish between current and past bisphosphonate users was 120-180 days. CONCLUSIONS: Among chronic glucocorticoid users enrolled in managed care, underreporting of current osteoporosis medication use was uncommon, and agreement between self-report and pharmacy data was high. Use of pharmacy data alone is unlikely to underestimate quality of osteoporosis care, but different intervals of pharmacy data have important implications on the ability to identify current users of osteoporosis medications.
机译:用途:药房和链接的索赔数据库通常用于确定药物的接受状况,以衡量护理质量。但是,这些数据源以前没有与自我报告的数据进行过比较,以不接受用于糖皮质激素诱发的骨质疏松症(GIOP)的药物。方法:使用来自国家管理医疗组织(MCO)的数据库,我们确定了6282位慢性糖皮质激素使用者(在18个月中超过60天)。我们将自我报告的阿仑膦酸盐,利塞膦酸盐,降钙素和雷洛昔芬(参考标准)的当前使用情况与先前药房数据的不同间隔进行了比较,以确定药房数据的一致性,敏感性,特异性以及阳性和阴性预测值。结果:受访者(n = 2363)的平均+/- SD年龄为53 +/- 14岁,女性为70%,白人为78%。自我报告的数据与药房数据之间的一致性介于Kappa = 0.64(95%CI 0.53-0.75)(降钙素)至0.80(0.76-0.84)(阿仑膦酸盐)之间。与自我报告的目前使用双膦酸盐目前的参考标准相比,过去6个月药房数据库中已填充处方的阳性预测值超过90%。但是,药房数据的6个月时间间隔未能捕获超过25%的自我报告的当前双膦酸盐使用者。区分当前和过去的双膦酸盐使用者的最佳药房数据间隔为120-180天。结论:在参加管理式护理的慢性糖皮质激素使用者中,很少有人报告目前骨质疏松症药物的使用不足,并且自我报告与药房数据之间的一致性很高。单独使用药房数据不太可能低估骨质疏松症护理的质量,但是不同的药房数据间隔对确定当前骨质疏松症药物使用者的能力具有重要意义。



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