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Emergency department visits attributed to selected analgesics, United States, 2004-2005.


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PURPOSE: To estimate the rate of emergency department (ED) visits attributed to selected analgesic-containing medications. METHODS: We used a nationally representative public health surveillance system to provide estimates of adverse events identified in EDs, and a national telephone survey to provide estimates of selected analgesic-containing medication usage in the US population, 2004-2005. Analysis was restricted to products containing acetaminophen, aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen. Types of adverse events and outcomes were compared. Estimated numbers and rates of ED visits were calculated by analgesic groupings and patient age groups. RESULTS: The estimated overall rate of ED visits attributed to analgesic-containing medications was 1.6 visits /100,000 users per week. The very old and very young had the highest rates; there were minimal differences in rates by patient gender. Acetaminophen was the attributed drug with the most estimated ED visits and generally had the highest rates of ED visits. The highest estimated rate for a specific product group was among subjects 18-64 years of age taking narcotic-acetaminophen products (8.9 ED visits /100,000 users per week). Overall, 12% of patients presenting to EDs with analgesic-attributed events were hospitalized. CONCLUSIONS: Rates of ED visits due to analgesics vary depending on the age of the patient and the product; most do not result in hospitalization. Although the rate of emergency visits is relatively low, because of the wide use of the analgesics, public health impact is considerable.
机译:目的:评估归因于所选含止痛药的急诊科就诊率。方法:我们使用了具有全国代表性的公共卫生监测系统来提供对急诊室中发现的不良事件的估计,并使用了一次全国电话调查来估计2004-2005年美国人群中选择的含止痛药的使用量。分析仅限于含有对乙酰氨基酚,阿司匹林,布洛芬或萘普生的产品。比较了不良事件和结果的类型。通过镇痛药组和患者年龄组计算出急诊就诊的估计次数和比率。结果:归因于含镇痛药的ED访视总比率估计为1.6访视/ 100,000每周使用者。年龄较大和非常年轻的比率最高。按患者性别划分的比率差异极小。对乙酰氨基酚是ED访视次数最多的归因药物,一般来说ED访视率最高。特定产品类别的最高估计比率是18-64岁年龄段服用麻醉性对乙酰氨基酚产品的受试者(每周8.9次ED访问/ 100,000个用户)。总体而言,在急诊室出现镇痛归因的患者中有12%住院。结论:由于止痛药引起的急诊就诊率取决于患者和产品的年龄。大多数不会导致住院。尽管急诊的比率相对较低,但是由于止痛药的广泛使用,对公共卫生的影响是巨大的。



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