首页> 外文期刊>Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences >Contemporary Critical Approaches to the Romanian Political and Cultural Ideology of the XIX th Century - Adrian Marino, Al Treilea Discurs. Cultur?, Ideologie ?i Politic? ?n Romania/The Third Discourse. Culture, Ideology and Politics in Romania

Contemporary Critical Approaches to the Romanian Political and Cultural Ideology of the XIX th Century - Adrian Marino, Al Treilea Discurs. Cultur?, Ideologie ?i Politic? ?n Romania/The Third Discourse. Culture, Ideology and Politics in Romania

机译:十九世纪罗马尼亚政治文化思想的当代批判方法-阿德里安·马里诺(Adrian Marino),阿尔·特雷拉·迪库尔斯(Al Treilea Discurs)。文化?,意识形态?我是政治人物吗? ?n罗马尼亚/第三话语。罗马尼亚的文化,思想政治



The Romanian socio-cultural space of the XIXth century witnessed the political influence of the revolutionary French Romanticism, echoing the ideal of national unity and state independence, which gained artistic expression due to the coexistence of the Enlightenment ideology and of the Western Romantic patterns meant to mediate the literary and cultural ideas movement between the West and the European South-East. Focused today as a valid synchronizing formula re-shaping the cultural politics, the ideology of the “the Forty-Eighters” is favourably re-read by Adrian Marino in his work, Al treilea discurs. Cultura, ideologie si politica in Romania/The Third Discourse. Culture, Ideology and Politics in Romania , the main point of interest of the present paper.
机译:十九世纪的罗马尼亚社会文化空间见证了法国革命浪漫主义的政治影响,呼应了民族团结和国家独立的理想,由于启蒙思想与西方浪漫主义并存,艺术的表现得到了体现。调解西方和欧洲东南部之间的文学和文化思想运动。今天,以“重塑文化政治”的有效同步公式为重点,阿德里安·马里诺(Adrian Marino)在他的作品《阿尔·特雷拉(Al treilea discurs)》中重新诠释了“四十强人”的意识形态。文化,罗马尼亚的政治思想/第三话语。罗马尼亚的文化,意识形态和政治,是本文的主要关注点。



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