首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Agribusiness and Rural Development >Point of view of Poland and other member states on the CAP 2014-2020

Point of view of Poland and other member states on the CAP 2014-2020




The aim of the paper is topresent theopinions of MemberStates with regard tothe future ofthe Common Agricultural Policyafter 2013, as compared to the proposal of the European Commission.In this context,there is an attempt to defineareasof possiblecompromise onthe CAPchangesin the financial perspective2014-2020. The publication allowsthe readerto forma review of the likelyreform ofagricultural policy andits consequencesfor Polish agriculture. Possiblechanges inthe CAPwill address:a new system ofdirect payments, with their “greening”, extensionof market interventioninstrumentsforrisk management,as well as widerand more flexiblesupport for rural development. From the standpoint of the interests of Polish agriculture the following questions must be assessed positively: maintaining the current level of funding of the CAP and its distribution into two pillars; progressive alignment of direct payments and recognition of the area of agricultural land as a fundamental criterion for the allocation of payments,?as well as support for small farms and young farmers.
机译:本文的目的是介绍与欧盟委员会的提议相比,成员国对2013年后共同农业政策的未来的看法。在此背景下,试图定义在2014-2020年财务观点上CAP变更可能受到影响的区域。该出版物使读者可以对农业政策的可能改革及其对波兰农业的后果进行评估。 CAP可能发生的变化将解决:“绿色”的直接支付新系统,对风险管理的市场干预手段的扩展以及对农村发展的更广泛,更灵活的支持。从波兰农业利益的角度出发,必须积极评估以下问题:保持CAP的当前供资水平并将其分配为两个支柱;逐步调整直接付款并确认农业用地面积,作为付款分配的基本标准,并支持小农场和年轻农民。



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