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Butterfly Redreaming: Rethinking Free, with Zhuangzi Flying Westerly with Descartes, Lacan, Waldman…




Usually, Zhuangzi’s parable of “the butterfly dream/dreaming butterfly” is read as an enigmatic version, from “the East”, of the Cartesian skeptical challenges to “objective reality” or else the Lacanian psycho-drama of the “pure gaze” in which “he”, Zhuangzi, “is a butterfly for nobody”, who stands for “the Real”. Retooling some of the critical insights from these standard dialectical or anxiogenic approaches to this allegorical puzzle of self-identity, both of which, however, tend to leave unquestioned or else structurally overrate the binarized inner-exclusivity of typical pairs such as in/out, subject/object, illusion/reality, and allothing, this article proposes a relatively novel, fluid model of unraveling the speculative knot, the dots of lepidopterological spacetime irreducible to a simpler “point” in space and time. As we follow the narrative sequence more micro- and macrologically at once, with holistic, philopoetic attention to its intricate conceptual cues and contextual clues, especially its streaks and energies of “oppositional poetics” envisaged by Anne Waldman, for instance, we come to see more clearly the trans-categorical auto-generativity of its modal openness, its oddly powerful, non-militarily propelled, avant-garde peripherality. As Zhuangzi’s butterfly gets freed this way from the discursive net where it is lost and found (often instantly dead), the vocalized figure of the “irritating” narrator, too, will change more freely, flying in and out and back in “daoistically” rather than agonistically.
机译:通常,庄子的“蝴蝶梦/梦中的蝴蝶”寓言被解读为从“东方”到笛卡尔怀疑论挑战到“客观现实”的神秘版本,或者被解读为拉康人的“纯粹注视”的心理戏剧。其中“他”,庄子,“是没有人的蝴蝶”,代表“真实”。从这些标准的辩证法或焦虑论方法中重新获得一些重要的见解,以解决寓言中的自我认同难题,但是,这两种方法都毫无疑问,或者在结构上高估了典型对的二元化内在排他性,例如in / out,主题/客体,幻象/现实,以及一切/一无所有,本文提出了一个相对新颖,流动的模型,用于解开投机性的结,鳞翅目飞行时空的点,这些点无法简化为时空中的简单“点”。当我们同时从微观和宏观的角度对叙事序列进行更全面的研究时,我们从整体,哲学的角度关注其错综复杂的概念线索和语境线索,尤其是安妮·沃尔德曼(Anne Waldman)设想的“反对派诗学”的条纹和能量。更清楚地说,其模式开放性,其功能强大,非军事推动的,前卫的外围性的跨类别自动生成。当庄子的蝴蝶从这样的话语网中解脱出来时,丢失并被发现(常常是立即死亡),“恼人”叙述者的发声人物也将更加自由地变化,以“尾随”的方式飞来飞去。而不是争执不休。



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