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Inscribing Authority: Female Title Bearers in Jewish Inscriptions




This paper investigates representations of gender in the material culture of the ancient synagogue. The pertinent data are numerous dedicatory and funerary inscriptions linking individual Jews, men and women, with titles seemingly associated with leadership in Late Antique synagogues (ca. 200–600 CE). Bernadette Brooten’s influential 1982 monograph argued against the prevailing tendency to characterize these titles as indications of power, authority, and responsibility when associated with men but as meaningless flattery when applied to women. She suggests that synagogue titles denote power, authority and responsibility on all title bearers equally, both men and women. I question the continued utility of proffering female title-holders as enumerable examples of powerful women rescued from their forgotten place in history. Using theoretical insights developed by historians Elizabeth Clark and Gabrielle Spiegel, this paper will engage a comparative analysis with the work of Riet van Bremen and Saba Mahmood to develop new methods of conceptualizing women’s authority in early Jewish communities. I propose that viewing women’s synagogue titles as culturally constructed representations allows for a fruitful inquiry into how women’s titles were used by male-dominated synagogue communities in their self-articulation and public presentation of Judaism.
机译:本文研究了古代犹太教堂物质文化中的性别表征。相关的数据有许多专门的和葬礼性的铭文,将男女犹太人联系在一起,标题似乎与晚期古董犹太教堂(公元200-600年)的领导者有关。伯纳黛特·勃鲁登(Bernadette Brooten)于1982年发表的颇具影响力的专着认为,这种流行趋势倾向于将这些头衔表征为与男性有联系的权力,权威和责任,而对女性则毫无意义。她建议犹太教堂的头衔平等地代表男女所有头衔持有者的权力,权威和责任。我质疑赋予女性头衔的人是否继续发挥效用,作为从历史上被遗忘的地方获救的有权势妇女的无数例子。本文将利用历史学家伊丽莎白·克拉克(Elizabeth Clark)和加布里埃尔·斯皮格尔(Gabrielle Spiegel)提出的理论见解,与Riet van Bremen和Saba Mahmood的工作进行比较分析,以开发概念化早期犹太社区女性权威的新方法。我建议将妇女的犹太教堂的头衔视为具有文化结构的代表,以便对男性主导的犹太教堂社区如何在自我表达和犹太教公开表达中如何使用妇女的头衔进行富有成果的研究。



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