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The coming of the barbarians




J.M. Coetzee's Waiting for the barbarians has, paradoxically, both some of the most sublimely touching images in the Coetzee canon and some of the most convincingly vicious. It remains one of Coetzee's most thought-provoking novels because it examines the universal phenomenon of man's belief that his significance can only be validated through his repression of others who are different from him. The apparently historical account of the events occurring in and around a once-strategic fort, reduced to an outpost on the frontier of “the Empire” is belied by the complexity of the presentation of the account by the magistrate. The magistrate's dilemma is that of a liberal humanist official in an oppressive society. Although he abhors the Empire's methods and its attempted genocide, his official status and his citizenship deny him escape from moral complicity in his society's actions. The Empire itself proves to be caught in the Hegelian master/slave syndrome: the oppressive master fears his oppressed servant. Barthes' codes and Todorov's propositional moods are all textual signifiers in the inter-textual game which constitutes the reader's experience of the text as an eternal becoming. The novel reflects Coetzee's unabated concern with the insidious, perpetual and universal revivification of colonialism and its concomitant, inevitable oppression of its own people and its vassal-status by the imposition of the myth of an infallible ideology. Related to this concern is the effect on a liberal humanist as a man in such an oppressive society: be he a worker, an official or, like Coetzee, an academic who is also a novelist.
机译:奇怪的是,J.M。库切(J.M. Coetzee)的《等待野蛮人》既有库切(Coetzee)教规中最动人的影像,也有一些最令人信服的恶性影像。它仍然是库切兹最发人深省的小说之一,因为它研究了人类信仰的普遍现象,即人们只有通过压制其他与他不同的人,才能证实他的意义。一次战略要塞及其周围发生的事件的历史记载,被简化为“帝国”边界的一个前哨,这是由地方法官对陈述的复杂性所掩盖的。地方政府的困境是压迫性社会中自由派人文主义官员的困境。尽管他憎恶帝国的方法和企图进行的种族灭绝,但他的官方地位和公民身份否认他在其社会行为中摆脱了道德上的同谋。帝国本身被困在黑格尔的主人/奴隶制综合症中:压迫者担心他的被压迫的仆人。 Barthes的代码和Todorov的命题情绪都是互文游戏中的文本符号,它们构成了读者对文本的永恒体验。这部小说反映了库切对殖民主义的阴险,永恒和普遍复兴及其对自己的人民及其附庸状态的必然不可避免的压迫感,这一点归功于无懈可击的意识形态神话。与这种担忧相关的是,在这样一个压迫性社会中,自由主义人道主义者作为一个人的影响:是工人,官员,还是像小说家科兹一样的学者。



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