首页> 外文期刊>Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences >Development model of web design element for clothing e-commerce based on the concept of mass customization

Development model of web design element for clothing e-commerce based on the concept of mass customization




The purpose of this research was to study the elements of electronic commerce (e-commerce) web designs that led to customer co-design based on the concept of mass customization. The study collected information from 438 e-commerce customers in Bangkok and used a questionnaire as the research instrument. Statistics for the data analysis were the Pearson correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The results showed that: 1) customization, an element of web designs, had a statistical significance (R 2 ?=?.112), affecting customers' needs to design clothing types; 2) customization, context, and commerce, which were elements of web designs, together had a statistical significance (R 2 ?=?.198), affecting customers' needs to design clothing parts; 3) customization and context, which were elements of web designs, together had a statistical significance (R 2 ?=?.259), affecting customers' needs to design clothing details; and 4) context and customization, which were elements of web designs, together had a statistical significance (R 2 ?=?.279), affecting customers' needs to create co-design tools. After analysis, the research results were used to design a website model that allowed its customers to participate in the design process.
机译:这项研究的目的是研究基于大规模定制概念导致客户协同设计的电子商务(e-commerce)网页设计的要素。该研究从曼谷的438个电子商务客户那里收集了信息,并使用了调查表作为研究工具。数据分析的统计数据为Pearson相关系数和逐步多元回归分析。结果表明:1)定制是网页设计的一个元素,具有统计学意义(R 2?= ?. 112),影响客户设计服装类型的需求; 2)作为网页设计要素的定制,上下文和商业,在统计上具有显着性(R 2?= ?. 198),影响了客户设计服装部件的需求; 3)作为网页设计要素的定制和上下文共同具有统计意义(R 2?= ?. 259),影响客户设计服装细节的需求;和4)上下文和自定义(这是Web设计的要素)一起具有统计意义(R 2 ==。279),影响了客户创建协同设计工具的需求。经过分析,研究结果被用于设计一个网站模型,该模型允许其客户参与设计过程。



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