首页> 外文期刊>International Journal of Business and Management >Power Congruence Approaches to Downward Influence in Malaysia Manufacturing Industry

Power Congruence Approaches to Downward Influence in Malaysia Manufacturing Industry




It has been proposed that issues of power and influence should be incorporated in the dyadic study of leadership. Building upon social exchange theory which explains how power is gained and lost in the process of influence between an agent and the target (Blau, 1964; Emerson, 1962), this paper hypothesized that the power congruence of supervisors and subordinates was anchored on 9 types of influence tactics. Three hundred and eighty-five pairs of Malaysian managers and executives working in manufacturing companies voluntarily participated in this study. The findings suggested that supervisors would use a combination of hard and soft tactics when their subordinates perceived them to have position or personal power. Implications of the findings, potential limitations of the study, and directions for future research were further discussed.
机译:有人建议将权力和影响力问题纳入领导力的二元研究中。建立在社会交流理论的基础上,该理论解释了在代理人与目标之间的影响力过程中权力是如何获得和丧失的(Blau,1964; Emerson,1962),本文假设监督者和下属的权力一致性是基于9种类型的影响策略。在制造业公司工作的三百八十五对马来西亚经理和行政人员自愿参加了这项研究。调查结果表明,当下属认为上司具有职位或个人权力时,上司将采用硬性和软性策略。进一步讨论了研究结果的含义,研究的潜在局限性以及未来研究的方向。



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