首页> 外文期刊>Industrial Engineering Letters >Application of E-SCM Strategies to Enhance Efficiency and Effectiveness in the Clothing Retail Sector

Application of E-SCM Strategies to Enhance Efficiency and Effectiveness in the Clothing Retail Sector




In this globalized era, world business setup has been changing. With the growing impact of information technology, contemporary consumers are increasingly adopting online resources to shop both on and offline. To meet this changing consumer habit, supply chain management has to shift its traditional linear sequence structure to agile, prompt, cost effective and real-time information integrated process to respond to worldwide consumer promptly. Information technology in the form of e-business enhanced this overall function of SCM. Through the increasing implementation of information integrated SCM or E-SCM application, now firms are capable to access themselves in the real time information about the consumer demand. Logistics management, which was always been an immense challenge for supply chain parties to manage has become an efficient process through information integrated ware house management. Therefore, in this growing era of information technology, the paper aims to investigate how e-SCM strategy, focusing on e-logistics, enhances the overall business performance taking cloth industry as an example. To do that E-SCM strategy has been described in perspective of e-fulfillment, e-procurement, e-distribution and e-transportation. Keyword: E-SCM, e-logistics, information integration, e-procurement, e-distribution, e-fulfillment, e-transportation



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