首页> 外文期刊>Animal Studies Journal >[Review] Creatural Fictions David Herman, editor. Creatural Fictions: Human-Animal Relationships in Twentieth- and Twenty-First-Century Literature

[Review] Creatural Fictions David Herman, editor. Creatural Fictions: Human-Animal Relationships in Twentieth- and Twenty-First-Century Literature

机译:[评论]创作小说David Herman,编辑。创作小说:20世纪和20世纪文学中的人兽关系



David Herman has put together a landmark collection of essays in the Palgrave Studies in Animals and Literature series. Drawing from the Animal Studies theories of Donna Haraway, John Berger, Jacques Derrida and Cary Wolfe, for instance, the collection has a lot to offer students new to Literary Animal Studies. Rigorous essays which further debates mean that the collection also has appeal for established scholars in the field. Creatural Fictions takes its title, Herman explains, partly from the creaturely theories Anat Pick turns to in Simone Weil, but the term ‘creatural’ is preferred in order to emphasise continuities between human and animal embodiment, our common existence in time and place, and the concomitant ‘relational ties’ (3). This mode of enquiry is deployed to open up various literary texts, ranging from the early twentieth century novels of Djuna Barnes to contemporary novels by Jane Smiley, Zakes Mda and Yann Martel. While some of the novels like JM Coetzee’s Disgrace and Martel’s Life of Pi have already been discussed extensively, the essays proffer new interpretations. It was a pity, though, that poetry did not get a look in.
机译:大卫·赫曼(David Herman)在《帕尔格雷夫动物与文学研究》系列中收集了具有里程碑意义的论文集。例如,从唐娜·哈拉威(Donna Haraway),约翰·伯杰(John Berger),雅克·德里达(Jacques Derrida)和卡里·沃尔夫(Cary Wolfe)的动物研究理论中汲取灵感,该藏书库为初学者提供了很多东西。严谨的文章引起了进一步的辩论,这意味着该书集也吸引了该领域的知名学者。 Herman解释说,Creatural Fictions得了名,部分原因是Anat Pick在西蒙妮·威尔(Simone Weil)中运用的灵巧理论,但是“ creatural”一词是首选,目的是强调人与动物的表现力,我们在时间和地点的共同存在以及伴随的“关系纽带”(3)。这种探究模式被用来开放各种文学作品,从20世纪初的Djuna Barnes小说到Jane Smiley,Zakes Mda和Yann Martel的当代小说。尽管已经对JM Coetzee的《耻辱》和Martel的《 Pi的一生》等小说进行了广泛的讨论,但本文却提出了新的解释。可惜的是,诗歌没有被看进去。



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