首页> 外文期刊>African Journal of Agricultural Research >Comparative study of subsurface drip irrigation and flood irrigation systems for quality and yield of sugarcane

Comparative study of subsurface drip irrigation and flood irrigation systems for quality and yield of sugarcane




Subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) is a most advanced method of irrigation that facilitates the irrigation of crop / plants with small amounts of water through the T-tapes placed below the soil surface. Depth of T-tape and requirement of water depends upon soil type and crop under observations. Experiments for comparative study of SDI with flood irrigation for yield and quality were conducted on sugarcane crop from 2005 - 2008 with 3-varieties i.e. HSF-240, HS-12 and CSSG-668 on an area of 6 ha. Drip tapes were buried manually in the middle of the ridges on an area of 3 ha with subplot size for each variety of 1 ha compared with flood irrigated crop of 3 ha with subplot of 1 ha for each variety. Flood irrigation system showed better results for growth, yield and quality of sugarcane than SDI. Germination % and tillers/plant did not show any significant difference under both irrigation systems. SDI resulted to lower mill-able cane, cane yield, crop growth rate (CGR) and net assimilation rate (NAR). Harvest index % (HI) had no significant effect on both irrigation systems. Higher leaf relative water contents (LRWC) obtained under flood irrigation showed higher accumulation of water supplied through flood system. Similarly, quality attributes (juice extraction, purity %, recovery % cane and sugar yield t/ha) showed superior behavior under flood irrigation than SDI. Flood irrigation system provided net benefits ranging from Rs. 56130 – Rs. 82760 / ha while SDI resulted in loss from Rs. 127345 to 157910 / ha. Maximum income benefit was recorded in CSSG-668 variety (Rs. 82760 / ha) and maximum loss in HSF-240 variety (Rs. 157910 / ha) under SDI. SDI helped to save water from 11 - 18% over flood irrigation system that had no significant contribution in net benefits. This loss may be due to the major problems faced by SDI system that led to blockage, damaged of T-tapes, filtration obstructions due to high ferrous contents in irrigated water, higher initial cost, management, that resulted to net economic loss in sugarcane. Irrigated water was unfit with high ferrous contents that resulted to blockage of T-tapes. SDI saved 18% water as compared to flood irrigation system. It was concluded that SDI is not a superior system of irrigation for sugarcane in developing countries like Pakistan where water is unfit for irrigation. Its high installation cost, breakage and clogging resulted to net economic loss. SDI might be a superior system where water is fit for irrigation, free of ferrous and low installation costs.
机译:地下滴灌(SDI)是最先进的灌溉方法,可通过置于土壤表面以下的T型胶带促进少量水对作物/植物的灌溉。 T型胶带的深度和需水量取决于所观察的土壤类型和作物。 2005年至2008年,在6公顷的土地上,对3种品种的甘蔗作物HSF-240,HS-12和CSSG-668进行了SDI与洪水灌溉的比较研究,以研究其产量和质量。手动将滴水带埋在山脊的中间,占地3公顷,每个样地面积为1公顷,相比之下,灌溉灌溉作物为3公顷,每个样地亚面积的面积为1公顷。与SDI相比,洪水灌溉系统对甘蔗的生长,产量和质量表现出更好的效果。在两种灌溉系统下,发芽率和分till /植株均无显着差异。 SDI导致可碾磨甘蔗,甘蔗单产,作物生长速率(CGR)和净同化率(NAR)降低。收获指数%(HI)对两种灌溉系统均无显着影响。洪水灌溉下获得的较高叶片相对含水量(LRWC)表明,通过洪水系统供应的水积累量更高。同样,在洪水灌溉下,品质属性(汁液提取,纯度%,甘蔗收率%和糖产量t / ha)显示出比SDI优越的行为。洪水灌溉系统提供的净收益从卢比到卢比不等。 56130 –卢比。 82760 /公顷,而SDI导致卢比损失。 127345至157910 /公顷根据SDI记录,CSSG-668品种的最高收入收益(82760卢比/公顷),HSF-240品种的最大损失(157910卢比/公顷)。与洪水灌溉系统相比,SDI可以将节水11-18%,这对净收益没有显着贡献。造成这种损失的原因可能是SDI系统面临的主要问题,这些问题导致灌溉用水中的铁含量高,堵塞,T型胶带损坏,由于高含铁量,较高的初始成本和管理造成的过滤障碍,从而导致甘蔗的净经济损失。灌溉水中的铁含量不高,导致T型胶带堵塞。与洪水灌溉系统相比,SDI节省了18%的水。得出的结论是,在巴基斯坦这样的水资源不适合灌溉的发展中国家中,SDI并不是甘蔗的优质灌溉系统。其高昂的安装成本,破损和堵塞导致净经济损失。 SDI可能是一种优越的系统,其中的水适合灌溉,且不含铁质且安装成本低。



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