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Indian Trademark Registry Automates Registration, Sends Certificates by E-Mail


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India's Trade Marks Registry is automatically issuing registration certificates via e-mail as of Aug. 1 for applications with no outstanding questions. A trademark application would qualify for the automated process, according to a July 28 public notice from Om Prakash Gupta, India's controller general of patents, designs and trade marks and registrar of geographical indications, when: 1. it has been published in Trade Marks Journal No. 1720 as of Nov. 23, 2015; 2. there is no pending request for an amendment filed on behalf of the applicant; 3. a copy of the original registration application is available in the registry's electronic database; 4. all requirements, such as fees and power of attorney, have been met; 5. the application has not be prohibited for registration by a court order, the Intellectual Property Appellate Board, or other authority. Other cases will be processed by the registry's Examination, Publication and Registration Section in Mumbai on a case-to-case basis.
机译:自8月1日起,印度商标注册局将通过电子邮件自动为没有悬而未决的申请颁发注册证书。根据印度专利,外观设计和商标总监以及地理标志注册商Om Prakash Gupta在7月28日发布的公告,商标申请将符合自动程序的资格:1.已在《商标杂志》上发布截至2015年11月23日,编号为1720; 2.尚无代表申请人提出的修改请求; 3.注册表的电子数据库中提供了原始注册申请的副本; 4.满足所有要求,例如费用和委托书; 5.法院命令,知识产权上诉委员会或其他机构未禁止该申请进行注册。其他案件将由注册处孟买的考试,出版和注册科根据具体情况进行处理。



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