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Injunction Against Taiwan Manufacturer Not Yet Tied to U.S. Patent Infringement


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A federal court shouldn't have issued a patent-related in-junction against a foreign company when only its U.S. affiliate was found to infringe, an appeals court held April 3 (Asetek Danmark A/S v. CMI USA Inc., 2017 BL 107753, Fed. Cir., No. 2016-1026, revised opinion 4/3/17). In a rare about-face, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit changed the result of its Dec. 6 ruling. At that time, a 2-1 majority kept an injunction in place against Taiwan-based Cooler Master Co. while asking the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Califor-nia to review its relationship to Chino, Calif.-based CMI USA Inc. Today's decision-formally a grant of a peti-tion for rehearing by the panel-adopts the view of dis-senting Chief Judge Sharon Prost, vacating the Cooler Master aspects of the injunction (Asetek Danmark A/S v. CMI USA Inc., 2017 BL 107780, Fed. Cir., No. 2016-1026, panel reh'g granted 4/3/17).
机译:在4月3日举行的上诉法院中,只有发现其美国附属公司侵权时,联邦法院才不应针对外国公司发布与专利相关的禁令(Asetek Danmark A / S诉CMI USA Inc.,2017 BL 107753,联邦调查局,第2016-1026号,修订意见4/3/17)。罕见的一面是,美国联邦巡回上诉法院改变了其12月6日裁决的结果。当时,只有2-1的多数人对总部位于台湾的Cooler Master Co.发出禁制令,同时要求美国加利福尼亚北部地区的美国地方法院审查其与总部位于加利福尼亚奇诺的CMI USA Inc的关系。今天的裁决正式授予专家小组进行复审的请求-采纳了反对首席法官沙龙·普罗斯特(Sharon Prost)的观点,撤回了禁制令的Cooler Master条款(Asetek Danmark A / S诉CMI USA Inc. ,2017 BL 107780,Fir.Cir。,No.2016-1026,小组重新批准(4/3/17)。



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