首页> 外文期刊>World intellectual property report >High Court Eyes Helsinn's Aloxi Case on Drug Patent Sale Rule

High Court Eyes Helsinn's Aloxi Case on Drug Patent Sale Rule


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Do confidential sales of an invention before it's patented render it ineligible for patent protection? The U.S. Supreme Court is scheduled June 14 to look into a case involving the anti-nausea drug Aloxi that presents that question. A high court decision to hear the case-likely later in the month-would clarify the scope of drug and medical technology companies' capacity to commercialize inventions before receiving patents on them. Helsinn Healthcare SA wants the high court to review a decision by U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit that invalidated Aloxi patents. The federal appeals court also reversed a district court finding that Teva Pharmaceuticals USA Inc., which sought regulatory approval in 2011 to market a generic version of Aloxi, infringed Helsinn's patent.
机译:一项发明获得专利权之前的秘密销售是否使其不具备获得专利保护的资格?美国最高法院定于6月14日调查涉及反恶心药物Aloxi的案子,该案提出了这个问题。最高法院可能在本月晚些时候审理此案的决定将阐明药品和医疗技术公司在获得专利之前将其商品化的能力范围。 Helsinn Healthcare SA希望高等法院复审美国联邦巡回上诉法院关于使Aloxi专利无效的裁决。联邦上诉法院还撤销了地方法院的裁决,裁定Teva Pharmaceuticals USA Inc.于2011年寻求监管批准以销售Aloxi的仿制药,侵犯了赫尔辛的专利。



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