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Trade Policy and Productivity Growth in Indian Manufacturing


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A central thesis of Balasubramanyam (1984) was the need for India to shift its development strategy in favour of outward-looking economic policies. The underpinning for this thesis might have been viewed as an ex-ante evaluation. An evaluation of what Indian performance could be with a different policy environment; comparing what was happening under the current policy environment with what might be (or what a particular model indicated might be). In this paper, we do an ex-post evaluation of what has happened in the case of productivity performance in Indian manufacturing industry in the light of the type of policy changes that Balasubramanyam was advocating 20 years ago. On the basis of our before-and-after methodology, we find strong support in favour of the Balasubramanyam thesis. Of course, this does not strictly mean that the (explicit or implicit) model that Balasubramanyam used to underpin the thesis is necessarily the appropriate model to apply in this context, but the results are consistent with it. Similarly, we cannot be strictly confident about what would have happened if there had been no or different trade reforms, but again the results provide a challenge to those who would wish to find some other explanation for why the post-reform TFP growth performance of Indian manufacturing has been stronger than pre-reform performance. These authors are content to believe that the results do provide support for Balasubramanyam's earlier good judgement!
机译:Balasubramanyam(1984)的中心论点是印度需要将其发展战略转向有利于外向型的经济政策。本论文的基础可能被视为事前评估。评估在不同政策环境下印度的表现如何;将当前政策环境下发生的情况与可能发生的情况(或所指示的特定模型可能发生的情况)进行比较。在本文中,我们根据Balasubramanyam 20年前提倡的政策变化类型,对印度制造业的生产率表现进行了事后评估。根据我们之前和之后的方法,我们得到了支持巴拉巴拉曼尼姆论文的强大支持。当然,这并不严格意味着Balasubramanyam用来支持论文的(显式或隐式)模型必然是适用于此情况的适当模型,但结果与之相符。同样,我们不能对如果没有任何贸易改革或进行其他贸易改革会发生什么会完全有信心,但是结果再次给那些希望找到其他解释印度改革后全要素生产率增长表现为何的人带来了挑战。制造比改革前的表现要强。这些作者很满意,认为结果确实为Balasubramanyam的早期良好判断提供了支持!



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