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In critical defence of 'emotional labour': refuting Bolton's critique of Hochschild's concept


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Sharon Bolton's comprehensive critique of Hochschild's concept of emotional labour' is flawed by her misinterpretation of its primary form as an aspect of labour power. Consequently, she erroneously argues that emotional labour is commodi-fied only when transformed into commercial service work However, emotion workers experience commodification of their labour power as wage-labour, irrespective of the nature of their product. Bolton also argues that Hochschild's notion of workers undergoing a transmutation of feelings' renders them 'crippled actors' in the grip of management control, Hochschild, however; theorizes transmutation as a contradictory and unstable condition albeit in an under-developed form. While Bolton correctly argues for a theory of emotion work that captures the complexity and contradictory nature of the emotional workplace, it is not necessary to reject the emotional labour concept. Rather, it needs to be more fully theorized and integrated within Labour Process Analysis.
机译:莎朗·博尔顿(Sharon Bolton)对霍奇希尔(Hochschild)的情感劳动概念的全面批评,由于对劳动者的主要形式的误解而被误解了。因此,她错误地认为,情感劳动仅在转变为商业服务工作时才被商品化。但是,情感工作者将其劳动能力商品化为工资劳动,而与产品的性质无关。博尔顿还认为,霍奇希尔德的工人经历情感转变的观念使他们成为“残缺的参与者”,而霍奇希尔德则受到管理控制的控制。尽管trans变形式不完善,但理论上却将trans变视为一个矛盾且不稳定的条件。博尔顿正确地主张一种情感工作理论,该理论抓住了情感工作场所的复杂性和矛盾性,但没有必要拒绝情感劳动的概念。相反,它需要在劳动过程分析中得到更充分的理论化和整合。



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