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Taking customers to heart


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The last price review saw regulator Ofwat put pressure on the water companies to engage with their customers, and customer-centric outcomes were included in business plans to bring the customer to the heart of operations. Against this backdrop, the Water Theatre at Utility Week Live on May 17 will host a thought-provoking session on what the future holds for customer trust and confidence, and how companies can embed new thinking and processes. Ofwat delivery director Georgina Mills will be revealing how the regulatory process can help to put customers first, while Tony Smith, chief executive of the Consumer Council for Water (CCWater), will be on hand to give insight into what customers want from their water supplier.
机译:在上次价格审查中,监管机构Ofwat向自来水公司施加了与客户互动的压力,并且以客户为中心的成果已包括在业务计划中,以使客户成为运营的核心。在这种背景下,将于5月17日在实用周现场直播的水剧院将举行一场发人深省的会议,讨论未来对客户信任和信心的影响以及公司如何嵌入新的思想和流程。 Ofwat交付主管Georgina Mills将向您揭示监管程序如何帮助将客户放在首位,而水消费者委员会(CCWater)首席执行官Tony Smith将在手边,洞悉客户对水供应商的需求。


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    《WET News》 |2016年第2期|11-11|共1页
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