首页> 外文期刊>Weed Technology >Broadleaf Weed Control in Soybean (Glycine max) with CGA-277476 and Four Postemergence Herbicides1

Broadleaf Weed Control in Soybean (Glycine max) with CGA-277476 and Four Postemergence Herbicides1

机译:CGA-277476和4种芽后除草剂防治大豆阔叶杂草 1

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Abstract:Field research was conducted at three locations in Mississippi to evaluate CGA-277476 tank mixtures with four broadleaf herbicides for possible improvement of broadleaf weed control. Tank mixtures in this research were typically additive, although some instances of antagonism were noted. Control of morningglory (Ipomoea) species and hemp sesbania (Sesbania exaltata) was not consistently improved by the addition of acifluorfen, chlorimuron, fomesafen, or imazaquin to 59 or 79 g ai/ha CGA-277476. However, when a large population of weeds was present, the addition of acifluorfen, chlorimuron, or fomesafen to 59 or 79 g/ha CGA-277476 improved control over CGA-277476 alone. Prickly sida (Sida spinosa) was not controlled more than 68% with any treatment in this study; however, horse purslane (Trianthema portulacastrum) was controlled at least 90% with either 79 g/ha CGA-277476 alone or tank-mixed with acifluorfen, fomesafen, chlorimuron, or imazaquin. The addition of CGA-277476 to acifluorfen or fomesafen did not improve control over acifluorfen or fomesafen alone on any of the weeds evaluated; however, the addition of CGA-277476 to imazaquin improved hemp sesbania control over imazaquin alone. Tank mixtures did not result in yields greater than CGA-277476 alone in areas with moderate weed pressure, whereas in areas with severe weed pressure, tank mixtures improved soybean (Glycine max) yield over CGA-277476 alone.
机译:摘要:在密西西比州的三个地方进行了现场研究,以评估CGA-277476储罐与四种阔叶除草剂的混合物,以改善阔叶杂草的防治效果。尽管已注意到一些拮抗作用,但本研究中的罐混物通常是添加剂。通过向59或79 g ai / ha CGA-277476中添加氟苯磺隆,毒死,、呋美沙坦或阿马西喹,并不能始终如一地改善牵牛花(Ipomoea)物种和麻芝麻(Sesbania exaltata)的控制。但是,当存在大量杂草时,向59或79克/公顷CGA-277476添加氟苯磺隆,毒死ur或fomesafen可以改善对单独CGA-277476的控制。这项研究中的任何治疗都不能将多刺的ida(Sida spinosa)控制在68%以上。但是,单独使用79 g / ha CGA-277476或与acifluorfen,fomesafen,chlorimuron或imazaquin罐混的马齿sl(Trianthema portulacastrum)至少可控制90%。在任何评估的杂草中,将CGA-277476添加到acifluorfen或fomesafen中并不能改善对acifluorfen或fomesafen的控制。然而,将CGA-277476添加到伊马喹后,与单独使用伊马喹相比,麻麻控制效果更好。在中等杂草压力的地区,桶混物的单产不会比单独的CGA-277476大,而在杂草压力严重的地区,与单独的CGA-277476相比,桶混的单产提高了大豆的产量。



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