首页> 外文期刊>Water, Air, and Soil Pollution >Insecticide Residues in Eggplant Fruits, Soil, and Water in the Largest Eggplant-Producing Area in the Philippines

Insecticide Residues in Eggplant Fruits, Soil, and Water in the Largest Eggplant-Producing Area in the Philippines


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This study looked into the insecticide residues in eggplant, soil, and water samples in the largest eggplant-producing community in the Philip pines as well as to analyze the fate of insecticides. The study area consisted of eggplant farms in a community in the largest eggplant producer in the Philippines. A total of 20 of the environmental samples were taken from the farms and analyzed using gas chromatography. The samples were distrib uted spatially over a mean distance of 451 m (s.d.= 20.2 m). For eggplant pesticide application, the mean spraying time of the farmers was 1.4 (sdv=0.53)h/ day, 4.13 (sdv=1.9)days/week, 3.79 (sdv=0.22) weeks/month, and 1 year/cropping season. Forty percent of the farm samples of eggplants had positive reading of insecticides cypermethrin and chlorpyrifos between 0.02 and 0.03 mg/kg. There was no positive reading for the 20 water samples. There was only one positive reading of chlorpyrifos in one farm out of 20 soil samples at 0.03 mg/kg. Although Prevathon and Malathion were used by all the farms for eggplant pesticide application, the liter-years of exposure to pesticide was very low for both (0.06, 0.56). Although Brodan and Magnum were not prevalently used, they had the highest liter-years of exposure to pesticide at 4.73 for chlorpyrifos, and 6.09 for cypermethrin. The amount and duration of use of insecticide is important in the determination of its persistence in vegetables and in the environment. In this study, Brodan was the largest and longest used insecticide for eggplants which explains why there was reading for both cypermethrin and chlorpyrifos in the eggplants, but none for Malathion and chloran-traniliprole. The presence of insecticide in water, soil, and plants is also based on its environmental fate. Pesticide regulation and pesticide residue monitoring have been pursued to varying degrees of success in the Philippines, but implementation is considered inadequate. The study also suggests for better implementation of pesticide regulation.
机译:这项研究调查了菲利普松最大的茄子生产社区中茄子,土壤和水样中的杀虫剂残留,并分析了杀虫剂的命运。研究区域由菲律宾最大的茄子生产商社区中的茄子农场组成。从农场中总共采集了20个环境样品,并使用气相色谱仪进行了分析。样品在451 m(标准差= 20.2 m)的平均距离上进行空间分布。对于茄子农药的施用,农民的平均喷洒时间为每天1.4(sdv = 0.53)h /天,4.13(sdv = 1.9)天/周,3.79(sdv = 0.22)周/月,以及一年/播种季节。茄子农场样品中有40%的杀虫剂氯氰菊酯和毒死rif的阳性读数在0.02至0.03 mg / kg之间。 20个水样没有阳性读数。在20个土壤样品中0.03 mg / kg的一个农场中,毒死rif只有一个阳性读数。尽管所有农场都使用Prevathon和Malathion施用茄子杀虫剂,但这两种农药的公升-年暴露率都很低(0.06,0.56)。尽管不普遍使用Brodan和Magnum,但它们的农药暴露最高升-年数是毒死rif为4.73,氯氰菊酯为6.09。杀虫剂的用量和持续时间对于确定其在蔬菜和环境中的持久性很重要。在这项研究中,Brodan是茄子中使用时间最长,使用时间最长的杀虫剂,这解释了为什么茄子中同时存在氯氰菊酯和毒死rif的读数,而马拉硫磷和氯氰菊酯却没有。水,土壤和植物中杀虫剂的存在也取决于其环境命运。在菲律宾,农药管制和农药残留监测取得了不同程度的成功,但实施不力。该研究还建议更好地执行农药法规。



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