
Moving Data Faster


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In response to demand for its hardware-accelerated market data products on the latest server platforms, Celoxica Holdings, in collaboration with Intel, introduced a version of its low-latency market data product on Intel's PCI Express platform. The Celoxica Accelerator for PCI Express is available with ultralow-latency, high-volume market data feeds for OPRA, ISE, Nasdaq, ITCH, CME, ICE, NYSE and NYSE ARCA markets. Seven additional feeds, including European markets, will be available in the first quarter of 2009. According to Celoxica, recent tests of the Accelerator have proven latency of less than 10 microseconds, processing market data from ISE, OPRA and ITCH at more than 3 million messages per second. "Celoxica is committed to enabling ultralow-latency trading and market data solutions through hardware acceleration, and will continue to ensure that our line-handler solutions are at the forefront in terms of speed, consistency and reliability," Lee Staines, CEO of Celoxica, said in a release.
机译:为响应最新服务器平台上的硬件加速市场数据产品需求,Celoxica Holdings与英特尔合作,在英特尔PCI Express平台上推出了其低延迟市场数据产品版本。用于PCI Express的Celoxica加速器可用于OPRA,ISE,纳斯达克,ITCH,CME,ICE,NYSE和NYSE ARCA市场的超低延迟,大批量市场数据馈送。 2009年第一季度将提供另外七个供稿,包括欧洲市场。据Celoxica称,对Accelerator的最新测试已证明延迟小于10微秒,处理来自ISE,OPRA和ITCH的市场数据超过300万每秒的消息数。 “ Celoxica致力于通过硬件加速来实现超低延迟的交易和市场数据解决方案,并将继续确保我们的线处理器解决方案在速度,一致性和可靠性方面处于领先地位,” Celoxica首席执行官Lee Staines说道,在发布中说。



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