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Kidney biopsies can be used for estimations of glomerular number and volume: a pig study


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In this study, we wanted to evaluate the use of kidney biopsies for estimation of N(glom) and V(glom) in both healthy and chronically diseased kidneys. Danish Landrace pigs with mean weight of 29 kg (range: 25–35 kg) were either subjected to unilateral ureteral obstruction (UUO) or non-obstruction (healthy). N(glom) and V(glom) was estimated by design-based methods using biopsies, N(glom)biopsy and V(glom)biopsy. From each kidney, six biopsies were withdrawn at six topographically different sites. All estimates were done following stereological principles and reference methods estimated number with the physical fractionator, N(glom)PF, and volume with test point system, V(glom)TPS. N(glom)PF was $1.30 pm 0.28 times 10^6 $ for UUO kidneys and $1.59 pm 0.28 times 10^6 $ for healthy kidneys. N(glom)biopsy was $1.18 pm 0.28 times 10^6 $ (p > 0.05) for UUO and $1.33 pm 0.24 times 10^6 $ (p = 0.04) for healthy kidneys. When UUO and healthy kidneys were grouped, N(glom)PF was $1.46 pm 0.31 times 10^6 $ , and N(glom)biopsy was $1.28 pm 0.25 times 10^6 $ (p > 0.05). V(glom)TPS was 1,079 ± 126 mm3 for UUO and 1,707 ± 263 mm3 for healthy kidneys. V(glom)biopsy was 1,048 ± 291 mm3 for UUO (p > 0.05) and 1,373 ± 393 mm3 for healthy kidneys (p > 0.05). When UUO and healthy kidneys were grouped, V(glom)TPS was 1,180 ± 229 mm3 and V(glom)biopsy 1,129 ± 334 mm3 (p > 0.05). Biopsy sites were tested for any systematic differences between site- and mean values, and no significant difference was found (p > 0.05). This study showed that biopsies can be used for estimating N(glom) and V(glom) by design-based methods, but more precise determination of biopsy volume is needed.
机译:在这项研究中,我们想评估使用肾脏活检法评估健康和慢性肾脏病患者的N(glom)和V(glom)。平均体重为29公斤(范围:25-35公斤)的丹麦长白猪被单侧输尿管阻塞(UUO)或非阻塞(健康)。通过活检,N(glom)活检和V(glom)活检基于设计的方法估算N(glom)和V(glom)。从每个肾脏在六个地形不同的位置撤回六个活检。所有估算均遵循立体原理,并采用物理分馏仪估算数量(N(glom)PF )和参考量估算值(使用测试点系统V(glom)TPS )。 UUO肾脏的N(glom)PF 为$ 1.30 pm 0.28乘以10 ^ 6 $,健康肾脏的$ 1.59 pm为0.28乘以10 ^ 6 $。对于UUO,N(glom)活检为$ 1.18 pm 0.28乘以10 ^ 6 $(p> 0.05),对于健康肾脏,为$ 1.33 pm 0.24乘以10 ^ 6 $(p = 0.04)。当将UUO和健康肾脏分组时,N(glom)PF 为$ 1.46 pm 0.31乘以10 ^ 6 $,而N(glom)活组织检查为$ 1.28 pm 0.25乘以10 ^ 6 $(p> 0.05 )。 UUO的V(glom)TPS 为1,079±126 mm3 ,健康肾脏为1,707±263 mm3 。 UUO的V(glo)活检为1,048±291 mm3 (p> 0.05),而健康肾脏的V(glo)活检为1,373±393 mm3 (p> 0.05)。将UUO和健康肾脏分组后,V(glom)TPS 为1,180±229 mm3 ,V(glom)活检为1,129±334 mm3 (p> 0.05)。测试活检部位的部位和平均值之间是否存在系统性差异,未发现显着差异(p> 0.05)。这项研究表明,活检可用于通过基于设计的方法估算N(glom)和V(glom),但还需要更精确地确定活检量。



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