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Bone marrow edema syndrome of the femoral head


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BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to assess the efficacy of the vasoactive drug iloprost in bone marrow edema syndrome (BMES) and to compare it to the results of a control group treated by core decompression. PATIENTS AND METHODS: 38 hips (36 patients) with BMES in the femoral head were investigated. In group A, 18 hips (17 patients; mean age 49 years) were treated with iloprost, a vasoactive drug that dilates arterioles and venules, reduces capillary permeability and suppresses platelet aggregation. The therapy comprised a series of five infusions with 20 μg iloprost over 6 hours on 5 consecutive days. Weight bearing was reduced for up to 3 weeks, depending on the severity of symptoms. In group B, 20 hips (19 patients; mean age, 41 years) underwent surgical core decompression of the femoral head followed by 6 weeks of partial weight bearing. Both groups were evaluated clinically, radiographically and by MRI. RESULTS: In group A, one patient had to discontinue therapy on the first day because of severe headache. In the remaining patients the Harris Hip Score (HHS) improved from a mean of 64.7 points (range, 44–89) before therapy to 97.0 points (83–100) after 3 months. MRI controls showed complete remission in all hips. In group B, the preoperative HHS improved from 53.7 points (31–82) to 95.1 points (39–100) after 3 months. MRI controls showed complete remission of BMES in 14 hips, residual focal bone marrow edema in four hips and a small osteonecrotic area in two hips. In both groups the high level of clinical recovery was maintained at the last examination after a mean follow up of 11 months in group A and 12 months in group B. CONCLUSION: The parenteral application of iloprost can achieve equal or better results in the treatment of bone marrow edema syndrome of the hip compared to core decompression.
机译:背景:这项研究的目的是评估血管活性药物伊洛前列素在骨髓水肿综合征(BMES)中的疗效,并将其与通过核心减压治疗的对照组的结果进行比较。病人与方法:对38例髋部(36例)股骨头坏死患者进行了调查。在A组中,使用伊洛前列素(iloprost)治疗18髋(17例患者,平均年龄49岁),伊洛前列素是一种血管活性药物,可扩张小动脉和小静脉,降低毛细血管通透性并抑制血小板聚集。该疗法包括连续5天在6小时内用20μg伊洛前列素进行五次输注。根据症状的严重程度,负重最多可减少3周。 B组中,对20髋(19例;平均年龄41岁)进行了股骨头的手术核心减压,然后进行了6周的部分负重训练。两组均经过临床,影像学检查和MRI评估。结果:在A组中,一名患者因严重头痛而不得不在第一天停止治疗。在其余患者中,Harris Hip评分(HHS)从治疗前的平均64.7分(范围:44–89)提高到3个月后的97.0分(83–100)。 MRI对照显示所有髋关节完全缓解。在B组中,三个月后,术前HHS从53.7点(31-82)提高到95.1点(39-100)。 MRI对照显示14髋BMES完全缓解,4髋残余局灶性骨髓水肿和2髋有小骨坏死区域。两组的平均随访时间分别为11个月和B组12个月,在最后一次检查中,两组均保持了较高的临床恢复水平。结论:肠胃外应用伊洛前列素可以达到相同或更好的治疗效果。髋部骨髓水肿综合征相比核心减压。



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