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AFGHANISTAN: The return of the Taliban


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Spin boldak, afghanistan-as the sun drops behind a curtain of mountains in eastern Afghanistan, a golden dust rises above this busy border crossing. On foot, donkey cart, rickshaw, and jangling Pakistani truck, a steady stream of anonymous faces spills past a symbolic green fence, unhindered by even a cursory check. They are merchants and refugees, travelers and, perhaps, Taliban fighters. Mohammed Ismael, his eyes focused on the small hammer he uses to mend ersatz Adidas sneakers and black, faux-leather shoes, figures that thousands of people pass through daily-though, he shrugs, "no one can tell you the exact number." The bustle of this border town is a sign of normalcy-and a cause for alarm. Afghanistan's war-scarred eastern and southern provinces are under a fresh spate of attacks by pro-Taliban guerrillas, some crossing into Afghanistan after being sheltered and stirred to action at Pakistan's fundamentalist madrasahs. For the past three weeks, American troops from the U.S. Army's 10th Mountain Division and their Afghan allies in Operation Mountain Viper have been going after as many as 1,000 Taliban and foreign fighters hiding out in the mountainous region northeast of here.
机译:旋转阿富汗的博格达克-太阳落在阿富汗东部的山脉背后,金色的尘土升起在这个繁忙的边境口岸上方。步行,驴车,人力车和摇摇欲坠的巴基斯坦卡车,源源不断的匿名面孔从象征性的绿色篱笆上溢出,即使被粗略的检查也没有阻碍。他们是商人,难民,旅行者,也许还有塔利班战士。穆罕默德·伊斯梅尔(Mohammed Ismael)的目光集中在他用来修补eratz adidas运动鞋和黑色人造皮鞋的小铁锤上,这些数字表明每天有成千上万的人经过,尽管他耸了耸肩,“没人能告诉您确切的数字。”这个边境小镇的喧嚣是正常状态的标志,并且引起警觉。阿富汗饱受战争创伤的东部和南部省份正受到塔利班亲游击队的新一轮攻击,其中一些人在庇护所并向巴基斯坦原教旨主义的伊斯兰国采取行动后进入阿富汗。在过去的三个星期中,来自美国陆军第10山区师的美军及其在“山毒蛇行动”中的阿富汗盟友一直在躲藏在这里东北山区的多达1000名塔利班和外国战斗人员。



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