首页> 外文期刊>Urban Studies >Is empowerment a route to improving mental health and wellbeing in an urban regeneration (UR) context?

Is empowerment a route to improving mental health and wellbeing in an urban regeneration (UR) context?


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Urban regeneration (UR) programmes are recognised as a type of Population Health Intervention (PHI), addressing social and health inequalities. Policy recommends programmes involve communities through engagement and empowerment. Whilst the literature has started to link empowerment with health improvement, this has not been within an UR context. As part of broader research on the economic evaluation of community empowerment activities, this paper examines how health gains can be generated through promoting empowerment as well as identifying whether feelings of empowerment are associated with residents personal characteristics or perceptions of their neighbourhood. Using 2011 Community Health and Wellbeing Survey (GoWell) cross-sectional data, ordinal logistic regression and simple linear regression analysis of 15 Glasgow neighbourhoods undergoing regeneration with 4302 adult householders (>= 16 years old) was completed. Analyses identified strong associations (P >= 0.05) between empowerment and the mental health subscale of the SF12v2 and with several items of the Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS) scale. Furthermore, residents' who felt more empowered reported more positive attitudes towards their surroundings and housing providers. This concurs with recent evidence of the importance of residents' psychological investments in their neighbourhood influencing their sense of place attachment. Such analyses present initial evidence of the value of investing resources within UR programmes to activities geared towards increasing residents' empowerment as a means of producing those health gains often sought by more costly aspects of the programmes.
机译:城市更新(UR)计划被视为一种人口健康干预(PHI),可解决社会和健康不平等问题。政策建议计划通过参与和赋权使社区参与。尽管文献已开始将赋权与改善健康联系起来,但这还不属于UR范畴。作为对社区赋权活动进行经济评估的更广泛研究的一部分,本文研究了如何通过促进赋权以及如何确定赋权的感觉与居民的个人特征或对邻里的看法有关来产生健康收益。使用2011年社区健康和福利调查(GoWell)横断面数据,完成了15个格拉斯哥居民区的序数逻辑回归和简单线性回归分析,这些居民区正在接受4302名成年住户(> = 16岁)的再生。分析发现,赋权与SF12v2的心理健康量表以及Warwick-Edinburgh心理健康量表(WEMWBS)量表之间有很强的关联(P> = 0.05)。此外,感到更有能力的居民表示对周围环境和住房提供者的态度更加积极。这与最近的证据相一致,即居民对附近社区进行心理投资会影响他们的场所依恋感。此类分析提供了UR计划内的资源投资价值的初步证据,这些活动旨在提高居民的权能,以此来获得计划中成本更高的方面往往寻求的健康收益。



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