首页> 外文期刊>Urban affairs review >Filling in the Resource Gap of Urban Regime Analysis to Make It Travel in Time and Space

Filling in the Resource Gap of Urban Regime Analysis to Make It Travel in Time and Space


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Responding to recent studies that have argued that urban regime analysis (URA) is inappropriate for studying urban politics in Europe or in the twenty-first century, this article argues that URA is a powerful analytical tool to understand the dynamics of contemporary urban governance. It does so by drawing on evidence from the Swiss cities of Zurich and Bern since the turn of the millennium. In both cities, the realization of major urban projects has relied on strong public-private cooperation structured around the mobilization and exchange of five resources ("land," "law," "money," "expertise," and "democratic support"). Drawing on this empirical evidence, the article concludes by presenting two types of regimes: the PRIVATE-public regime and the PUBLIC-private regime.
机译:回应最近的研究认为城市政权分析(URA)不适合研究欧洲或二十一世纪的城市政治,本文认为URA是一种强大的分析工具,可以理解当代城市治理的动态。它通过利用自世纪之交以来瑞士城市苏黎世和伯尔尼的证据来做到这一点。在这两个城市中,大型城市项目的实现都依赖于围绕五种资源(“土地,法律”,“金钱”,“专业知识, “和”民主支持“)。借助这些经验证据,本文最后提出了两种类型的制度:私人-公共制度和公共-私人制度。



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