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Shell gains approval for Mexico drilling plans


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SHELL has won approval from Mexico regulators for an earlier schedule to drill a potential well on one of its deep-water blocks, with the company now eyeing this year for the work originally envisaged for 2022. The Anglo-Dutch supermajor also added another prospect to its menu of drilling options for the tract in the southern part of the Perdido foldbelt, where it has not committed to drill a well but has penciled in the optional probe for the second quarter of this year. The plans were discussed and approved at a meeting of the National Hydrocarbons Commission (CNH), which has begun meeting again remotely after a month-long pause in operations due to the coronavirus pandemic. The Shell prospect is in Block 3, won during Round 2.4 in 2018, where it is partnered by Qatar Petroleum.
机译:SHELL已获得墨西哥监管机构的批准,可以在较早的时间表上在其深水区块之一中钻探一口潜在的井,该公司现在将目光投向了原本计划在2022年进行的工作。该公司在Perdido褶皱带南部的该区域的钻探选项菜单,该公司尚未承诺钻探一口井,但已在今年第二季度开始使用可选探棒。在国家碳氢化合物委员会(CNH)的一次会议上讨论并批准了该计划,该会议因冠状病毒大流行而暂停了一个月的运行后再次开始远程开会。壳牌的勘探前景位于卡塔尔石油公司(Qatar Petroleum)在2018年第2.4轮赢得的第3区块中。



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