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Searching for the Soul of Russia: British Perceptions of Russia during the First World War


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British attitudes towards tsarist Russia were often extremely negative before the First World War, despite the Anglo-Russian entente of 1907, since the country was still widely seen as a backward land ruled over by an autocratic government. The outbreak of war meant that Russia became a vital ally for Britain in the struggle with the central powers. Its presence in the allied coalition nevertheless made it difficult to present the conflict as a fight for liberty and democracy against Prussian militarism. Although official propaganda focused on presenting a positive image of Britain to other countries, numerous informal efforts were made during the war to promote a more positive image of Russia to a British audience. Writers and journalists such as Stephen Graham and J.W. Mackail built on the growing pre-war interest in Russian literature and ballet to suggest that the country had its own vibrant culture, and could not simply be rejected as a backward nation, but was instead a suitable ally in the war against Germany and Austro-Hungary. There was nevertheless always a tension between those who believed that the vibrancy of Russian culture existed despite the autocratic government of Nicholas II, and other ambassadors of the Russian ‘soul’ who feared that political liberalization would in time undermine a valuable Russian exceptionalism.
机译:尽管在1907年有英俄协约,但在第一次世界大战之前,英国对沙皇俄国的态度通常是极为消极的,因为该国仍被广泛视为独裁政府统治的落后土地。战争的爆发意味着俄罗斯在与中央大国的斗争中成为英国的重要盟友。但是,由于它在盟友联盟中的存在,很难将冲突描述为反对普鲁士军国主义的自由和民主斗争。尽管官方宣传的重点是向其他国家展示英国的正面形象,但在战争期间,人们进行了许多非正式的努力,以向英国观众宣传俄罗斯的正面形象。斯蒂芬·格雷厄姆(Stephen Graham)和J.W.麦凯恩(Mackail)建立在战前对俄罗斯文学和芭蕾舞的兴趣日益浓厚的基础上,暗示该国拥有自己的朝气蓬勃的文化,不仅可以被简单地排斥为落后的国家,还可以成为抵抗德国和奥索的战争的合适盟友。匈牙利。然而,尽管尼古拉二世专制政府相信俄罗斯文化仍然存在活力的人们与担心政治自由化会及时破坏有价值的俄罗斯例外主义的俄罗斯“灵魂”大使其他人之间始终存在紧张关系。



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