首页> 外文期刊>Transportation planning and technology >Establishing speed-flow-density relationships for exclusive motorcycle lanes

Establishing speed-flow-density relationships for exclusive motorcycle lanes


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The motorcycle is a popular mode of transport in Malaysia and developing Asian countries, but its significant representation in the traffic mix results in high rates of motorcycle accidents. As a result, the Malaysian Government decided to segregate motorcycle traffic along its new federal roads as an engineering approach to reduce accidents. However, traffic engineers needed to know the maximum traffic a motorcycle lane could accommodate. Despite substantial literature related to speed-flow-density relationships and capacities of various transport facilities, there is a knowledge gap regarding motorcycle lanes. This paper establishes motorcycle speed-flow-density relationships and capacities of exclusive motorcycle lanes in Malaysia. Observations of motorcycle flows and speeds were conducted along existing and experimental motorcycle lanes. Motorcycle speed-density data were aggregated and plotted for two types of observable motorcycle riding behaviour patterns that were influenced by the widths of a motorcycle lane: the headway pattern (lane width ≤ 1.7 m) and the space pattern (lane width > 1.7 m). For both riding patterns, regression analysis of motorcycle speed-density data best fits the logarithmic model and consequently the motorcycle flow-density and speed-flow models are derived. Motorcycle lane capacities for headway and space riding patterns are estimated as 3300 mc/hr/lane and 2200 mc/hr/m, respectively.
机译:摩托车在马来西亚和亚洲发展中国家中是一种流行的交通方式,但是在交通混合中的重要代表导致摩托车事故的发生率很高。结果,马来西亚政府决定将沿新联邦道路的摩托车交通隔离开来,以减少事故的工程方法。但是,交通工程师需要知道摩托车道可容纳的最大交通量。尽管有大量关于速度-流量-密度关系和各种交通设施的能力的文献,但关于摩托车道的知识差距仍然很大。本文建立了马来西亚的摩托车速度-流量-密度关系和专用摩托车道的通行能力。沿现有和实验摩托车车道对摩托车流量和速度进行了观察。汇总并绘制了受摩托车道宽度影响的两种可观察到的摩托车骑行行为模式的摩托车速度密度数据:车头距模式(车道宽度≤1.7 m)和空间模式(车道宽度> 1.7 m) 。对于这两种骑行模式,摩托车速度密度数据的回归分析最适合对数模型,因此得出了摩托车流量密度和速度流量模型。摩托车车道的车速和太空骑行能力分别估计为3300 mc / hr / lane和2200 mc / hr / m。



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