首页> 外文期刊>日本機械学会論文集. A編 >Thermoviscoelastic Stress Analysis of a CFRP Laminate Subjected to Impulsive Load

Thermoviscoelastic Stress Analysis of a CFRP Laminate Subjected to Impulsive Load


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In the present paper, histories of transverse stresses in a carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) laminate subjected to impulsive force are analyzed theoretically by means of three-dimensional theory with anisotropic thermoviscoelastic property. The analyzed model is a simply-supported square CFRP laminate with a stacking sequence [0° /90°]_SYM undor isothermal conditions from — 100℃ to 200℃. The characteristics of transverse stress histories were considered from the viewpoint of themoviscoelastic behavior of CFRP. When the same force is applied to the laminate under different temperature, each component of transverse stress has the same maximum value, though its history varies slowly over the primary glass transition temperature. Therefore it is shown that elastic property of the fiber governs the maximum values of transverse stresses and histories are dependent on the thermoviscoelasticity of the matrix resin.
机译:本文利用具有各向异性热粘弹性特性的三维理论,对碳纤维增强塑料(CFRP)层压板在受到冲击力作用下的横向应力历史进行了理论分析。分析的模型是简单支撑的方形CFRP层压板,其堆叠顺序为[0°/ 90°] _SYM,干燥温度为— 100℃至200℃。从CFRP的运动弹性行为的角度考虑了横向应力历史的特征。当在不同温度下将相同的力施加到层压板时,横向应力的每个分量都具有相同的最大值,尽管其历史记录在初始玻璃化转变温度范围内变化缓慢。因此表明,纤维的弹性决定了横向应力的最大值,并且历史取决于基体树脂的热粘弹性。



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