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On metric spaces with the Haver property which are Menger spaces


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A metric space (X,d) has the Haver property if for each sequence ∈_1,∈_2.... of positivernnumbers there exist disjoint open collections V_1,V_2.... of open subsets of X, withrndiameters of members of V_i less than ∈_i, and U_(i=1)~∞ V_i covering X, and the Menger property is a classical covering counterpart to σ -compactness. We show that, under Martin's Axiom MA, the metric square (X, d) × (X. d) of a separable metric space with the Haver property can fail this property, even if X~2 is a Menger space, and that there is a separable normed linear Menger space M such that (M,d) has the Haver property for every translation invariant metric d generating the topology of M, but not for every metric generating the topology. These results answer some questions by L. Babinkostova [L. Babinkostova, When does the Haver property imply selective screenability? Topology Appl. 154 (2007) 1971-1979; L Babinkostova, Selective screenability in topological groups, Topology Appl. 156 (1) (2008) 2-9].
机译:度量空间(X,d)具有Haver属性,如果对于每个正数序列∈_1,∈_2....存在不相交的X的开放子集的开放集合V_1,V_2 ...,且V_i的成员的直径小于∈_i,并且U_(i = 1)〜∞V_i覆盖X,而Menger属性是σ-紧致度的经典覆盖对应物。我们证明,在马丁的Axiom MA下,即使X〜2是Menger空间,具有Haver属性的可分离度量空间的度量平方(X,d)×(X. d)也会使该属性失效。是一个可分范数线性Menger空间M,使得(M,d)对于生成M拓扑的每个平移不变度量d具有Haver属性,但对于生成拓扑的每个度量均不具有Haver属性。这些结果回答了L. Babinkostova [L. Babinkostova,Haver属性何时暗示选择性筛选?拓扑应用154(2007)1971-1979; L Babinkostova,拓扑组中的选择性筛选,拓扑应用。 156(1)(2008)2-9]。



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