
Urinary Citrate in Kidney Stone Disease


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Backgrounds: Hypocitraturia, or low urinary citrate excretion is known as a risk for neph-rolithiasis. Though urinary citrate excretion is basically determined by acid-base balance, metabolic acidosis is not always manifest in urinary stone patients with hypocitraturia. From our stone clinic data, we estimated the incidence of hypocitraturia and addressed its causes in the absence of obvious acid-base imbalance. Methods: We selected 310 stone patients in whom 24-hour urine chemistry was examined on regular diets on 2 or more occasions during follow-up. Totally, 1361 specimens were analyzed in them. Results: In the male subjects, the average urinary citrate excretion was 450.9 ± 284.4 mg/ day, whereas in the female, 536.5 ± 305.9 mg/day (p < 0.0001). Eventually, hypocitraturia was found in 119 of the 310 patients (38.4 %). Of 222 with calcium stones, 70 (31.5 %) had hypocitraturia. In 32 of those, potential causes of hypocitraturia were identified, but in the rest, no apparent cause was found. In the latter, the net gastrointestinal alkali absorption was calculated from the 24-hour urine chemical data, and it was lower in those with hypocitraturia than in the normal control (9.2 vs. 34.4). Conclusion: It was suggested that defective gastrointestinal alkali absorption may be involved in hypocitraturia of calcium stone patients.
机译:背景:低尿酸或尿中柠檬酸排泄低被认为是肾结石的危险。尽管尿中柠檬酸的排泄基本上是由酸碱平衡决定的,但代谢性酸中毒并不总是出现在具有低尿酸的尿结石患者中。从我们的石材临床资料中,我们估计了低尿酸的发生率,并在没有明显的酸碱失衡的情况下解决了其原因。方法:我们选择了310名结石患者,在随访期间两次或两次以上定期饮食检查24小时尿液化学成分。总共分析了1361个样本。结果:在男性受试者中,柠檬酸尿的平均排泄量为450.9±284.4 mg /天,而在女性中,则为536.5±305.9 mg /天(p <0.0001)。最终,在310例患者中有119例发现了低尿酸(38.4%)。在222例钙结石中,有70例(31.5%)患有尿酸过多。在其中的32个中,已确定了低尿酸的潜在原因,但在其他情况下,未发现明显的原因。在后者中,胃肠道的净碱吸收量是根据24小时尿液化学数据计算得出的,低尿酸血症患者的净肠胃碱吸收率低于正常对照组(9.2比34.4)。结论:提示胃肠道碱吸收不良可能与钙结石患者的低尿酸有关。



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