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Which Is Scarier, The Noise or the silence? Long after the attacks of Sept. 11, the clangor of terror echoes worldwide. But for U.S. investigators, what they don't hear is almost as frightening as what they do. Terrorist communications, according to Francis X. Taylor, the State Department's counterterrorism coordinator, have reached levels "probably as high as they were last summer." Attacks continue. In April, a truck bomb―now thought to be the work of Islamic terrorists with links to al-Qaeda, the network headed by Osama bin Laden―crashed into a synagogue in Djerba, Tunisia, killing 19, including 14 German tourists. On May 8, an apparent suicide bomber in Karachi, Pakistan, pulled his car up beside a military bus loaded with French contract workers, exploded the car and killed 14. Those waiting nervously for a second al-Qaeda attack on the U.S. may have forgotten: it already happened. Last December, shoe bomber Richard Reid tried to blow up an American Airlines plane over the Atlantic in an incident that investigators have long been convinced was an al-Qaeda plot. Though that effort was foiled, the terrorists have not given up. "Just as a wounded animal is the most dangerous of all," Air Force General Richard Myers, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said last week, "al-Qaeda remains a real threat."
机译:吓人的是,噪音还是沉默?在9月11日的袭击事件发生很久之后,恐怖的声音在全世界回荡。但是对于美国调查人员来说,他们所听到的几乎和他们所做的一样可怕。国务院反恐协调员弗朗西斯·泰勒(Francis X. Taylor)表示,恐怖主义通讯已经达到“可能达到去年夏天的水平”。攻击仍在继续。今年4月,一辆卡车炸弹在突尼斯杰尔巴(Djerba)的犹太教堂内坠毁,炸死19人,其中包括14名德国游客。 5月8日,在巴基斯坦卡拉奇的一名明显的自杀炸弹袭击者,将他的汽车停在一辆载有法国合同工的军车旁边,炸毁了汽车并炸死14人。那些紧张地等待基地组织对美国发动袭击的人可能已经忘记了:已经发生了。去年12月,鞋炸弹袭击者理查德·里德(Richard Reid)试图炸毁一架美国航空公司的飞机,飞越大西洋,调查人员一直认为这是基地组织的阴谋。尽管这种努力挫败了,但恐怖分子并未放弃。空军参谋长联席会议主席理查德·迈尔斯(Richard Myers)上周说:“作为受伤的动物,是最危险的。”基地组织仍然是真正的威胁。



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