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The Costs of Penance


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The medieval Roman catholic Church sold indulgences to sinners who thought cash could purchase exoneration in heaven. Today it's the church that is handing out money in hopes of buying forgiveness for itself. The surging scandal over sexual abuse by the priesthood is proving as financially damaging to the church as it is hurtful to the faith, as Catholic dioceses across the country dole out huge sums to victims to compensate them for their pain and keep them silent. Desperate to put the worst behind it, the Boston archdiocese agreed last week to pay $20 million to $30 million to settle the high-profile lawsuits brought by 86 victims of defrocked priest John Geoghan. But that was hardly all that the scandal has cost Boston's Catholics. In confidential settlements intended to avoid any whiff of publicity, the church, starting in 1994, gave $15 million to a group of victims molested by Geoghan. In one instance, according to the Boston Globe, a single family got $400,000 to hush up the sexually explicit phone calls Geoghan made to the children. And there are at least 120 more claims pending against Geoghan and a dozen other Boston priests that could jack up the total to $100 million.
机译:中世纪的罗马天主教堂将放纵的东西卖给了罪人,他们认为现金可以购买天堂的赎罪。今天,正是教堂在分发金钱,希望自己获得宽恕。事实证明,由于教士对性虐待的丑闻激增,对教会造成了经济损失,同时也损害了信仰,因为全国各地的天主教教区向受害者发放了巨额款项,以补偿他们的痛苦并保持沉默。波士顿大主教区迫切希望把最坏的事情抛诸脑后,上周同意支付2000万至3000万美元,以解决86名受挫的牧师约翰·乔治汉(John Geoghan)受害者提起的备受瞩目的诉讼。但这几乎不是丑闻给波士顿天主教徒造成的全部损失。在旨在避免公开宣传的秘密定居点中,该教堂从1994年开始,向一群因Geoghan骚扰的受害者提供了1500万美元。在一个实例中,根据《波士顿环球报》的报道,一个单身家庭获得了40万美元,以掩盖Geoghan给孩子们打的色情电话。另外,针对Geoghan和其他十二位波士顿神父的索赔至少还有120宗,这些索赔可能使总额增加到1亿美元。



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