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Murder in the Airport


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Standing in the cold rain on a rocky hillside cemetery outside Kabul, Afghan leader Hamid Karzai watched grimly as the body of his assassinated minister, Abdul Rahman, was lowered into the ground. "We will capture his killers," Karzai vowed, "and we will punish them." Grabbing the culprits may be the easy part. Punishing them is a different matter. The suspects include senior military and intelligence officials in Karzai's fragile coalition government who belong to the Northern Alliance, an Afghan faction that didn't want Karzai in the first place. By going after the killers, the country's interim leader is headed for a showdown with the powerful warlords who control Afghanistan's foreign affairs, military and security forces-and even his own palace guards. His green-striped cape sodden with rain during the funeral ceremony, Karzai never looked so alone.
机译:阿富汗领导人哈米德·卡尔扎伊(Hamid Karzai)站在喀布尔郊外多岩石的墓地上的冷雨中,严峻地看着被暗杀的内阁大臣阿卜杜勒·拉赫曼(Abdul Rahman)的尸体掉入地下。卡尔扎伊发誓:“我们将抓捕他的凶手,我们将惩罚他们。”抓住罪魁祸首可能是容易的部分。惩罚他们是另一回事。嫌疑人包括卡尔扎伊脆弱的联合政府中的高级军事和情报官员,他们属于北方联盟,这是一个阿富汗派别,最初并不希望卡尔扎伊。通过追捕杀手,该国临时领导人将与控制阿富汗外交,军事和安全部队,甚至他自己的宫殿卫队的强大军阀进行摊牌。葬礼上,卡尔扎伊的绿色条纹斗篷被雨水浸湿,卡尔扎伊从未如此孤单。



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