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Back In the Saddle


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I Don't Feel Like A Relic," Kevin Costner says over breakfast in a Manhattan hotel room. He doesn't look like one either. Fit and genial at 48, he moves or sits with the easy poise of all those athletes he's played: the hungry golfer in Tin Cup, the cyclist in American Flyers, the baseball veterans in Bull Durham (recently chosen by SPORTS ILLUSTRATED as the best-ever baseball movie) and For Love of the Game. His talk has a coiled energy as well. Sentences, packed with imagery and analogies, accrue momentum until he's created an aria, an oration on the fly. He has the assurance of someone who is used to being listened to, who's had more than a cup of coffee in the big leagues. For maybe a decade, Costner was the Greg Maddux of Hollywood stars, quietly outpitching the competition.
机译:“我不喜欢遗物,”凯文·科斯特纳(Kevin Costner)在曼哈顿一家旅馆的早餐室里吃早餐时说。他看上去也不像。他48岁时身体健康,很友善,他在所有参加比赛的运动员中保持着轻松自在的姿势:锡杯(Using Cup)中饥饿的高尔夫球手,美国传单(American Flyers)中的骑自行车者,布尔·达勒姆(Bull Durham)的棒球老兵(最近被《体育新闻》选为有史以来最好的棒球电影)和《对游戏的热爱》,他的演讲也充满活力。句子中充斥着意象和类比,直到他创造出咏叹调(即即时演说)之前,它的势头才逐渐增强。他保证了一个习惯于聆听的人,在大联盟中喝了超过一杯咖啡。大概十年来,科斯特纳是好莱坞影星格雷格·马德克斯(Greg Maddux),悄悄超越了竞争对手。



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